
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

i think this ones going straight to dvd..

Ahhh yea summertime must be arriving.. 2nd day in a row with no fog for more than 30minutes at my place?? Sweet!

Today went to the eye doc.. he tells me that i can go down another notch on my perscription, down to .5.. whoa, me eyes be healin!
Hung out with Vicks, walked the silly doggies and afterwards ate with Bri n Kim. Brian's a little sore, Vicks more so, and my shoulder a little. It was a little belated Kim's berfday deali, woot! Everybodys got one on that week! and speaking of which, Paul's got some pics of his new kiddo. Fluffielady says shes got Christina's eyes and Paul's nose, i agree. So the next phase of life begins another era.. scary!

i've been hacking away at this airsoft video, i've found some good tips on tricks n what not. It's all about the editing.. and how it all comes together, hopefully this one comes out decent..

Monday, August 29, 2005

Evan sees you!

Yesterday was a blast.. i think it's better to have a private game where you know at least a *few* people. I hope that the airsofting may become an annual exercise event for the crew. Exercise + Vent off violent steam = good day.. It might mean that i'm gonna need another toy.. *Lordy*

Whelp today i took the webcam to the upstairs opened the window (which the screen has been removed) and took a pic.. The pic kinda blows, it's not meant for long distance shots or it can't be focused to infinity. At least you can finally see the dang ocean. Nice lovely pic but i wanted to be able to just turn on the laptop.. click a photo and thats it.. we'll see how it goes..

Today's fluffieladys first day back at school and it don't look good. There are a few janitors that are supposed to do janitorial work.. like sweep.. or mop.. Fluffielady took a swifter and used a half-dozen on her classroom all the swifter pads, black with fuzz.. And it's a dance studio, kids lay down on the floor to stretch n all that. All i can say is.. Nasstay!

As for me i digitized the airsoft video.. theres some action in it, especially Sherwin getting some, and my brother flopping around.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Super Knocked out.. 34min.

Ahhh yea i'm proud to announce that Little Chloe is a bit impatient and wants out into the world as of 9:30pm right now. Paul n Christina is heading to the hospital. Congrats to the two! Here we go, the next phase of our lives.. Beebees! Hopefully it's not one of those 50-hour births, i'd like to say.. Happy Birthday Chloe!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10 (.5 hr OT)
NapTime During Lunch: Zip

Weee, today went to the hospital on a dood who was puking up so much that he became dehydrated. He got his fluids and what not, which took a whole 6 hrs. Thats not the fun part, the fun part was i met up with 2 old school buddies. First was Dennis 'Singa' Song.. He's doing ok, collecting labels after his name.. DDS, MD. He's doing facial and mouth surgery for another 2 or so years at general hospital. On another hospital run i swear i saw him before at the trauma. He was handling a 910 victim, so i didn't bother him while the crew was doing their thing. (Theres 3 levels of code, a 900 victim is technically a dead person trying to be revived, a 910 is one thats one step from the gates of heaven / hell, and a 911 is a standard trauma.)
The other was Alice Chiao, the downhiller. Working as a resident nurse at 4 different hospitals, she hops one to another every week. Thats mad, at least she says that she can't be forced to work greater than 80 hours a week.. Wooo!! Shes changed to road riding and is engaged and due to be married in mid-may.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Yummies! Thankie 10$ Panasonic BH-941P Ice Cream maker. It's only downside is that it takes silly CR123A batteries.

It's true.. Milk, Cream, Sugar, a touch of salt, and this ones got strawberries! I think i coulda made a little more. This one is SUPER berried up and i didn't even add alot of them. So now i can make crepes (from scratch) and ice cream (also).

Monday, August 22, 2005

Movies up the wazoo!

Watched War of the Worlds with gift certificates given to us last christmas. The remake of H.G. Wells' novel. A book about alien invasion and destruction of the earth, where humans become like ants being smushed under the foot of bugeyed-flying-saucer-beings. The movie was ok but i only see one glaring error: Nobody has guns. Some gun owners are more fanatical than others, anything involving the defense of your land, you know the gun guys are out there trying to save the world.

Also watched Million Dollar Baby. A pretty good movie. To me it's kinda like Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan, where you startup with a character, and you end knowing that they lived for a purpose. To know what they did have that one chance to become someone, or at least tried. So instead of dying wondering that they never had that chance, that they know that they tried and that success or not doesn't matter, they had the chance.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 25min

Fluffielady called up PG&E and found out that it's quite a regular occurrance in this area.. lovely. They came and fixed the problem. It seems corrosion is eating at this wire entering the house. The PG&E guy says that it's about once a year that this happens. When we got the house i remember that the microwave wasn't going at full power (6 minutes for popcorn?). But now it's rocking and rolling (ahh yea 4 minutes for popcorn now).
Hung out at Jerry and Vicky's Present opening, hung out and saw some more pics. They got some good presents, but it's a totally chinese wedding, so they didn't get many presents, but probably tons of $$..

Saturday, August 20, 2005

once a month, thats all i can handle.

This marriage of the month

Mr. n Mrs. Low.. Woo!

Fluffielady and i have been having electrical problems at the house.. currently only one appliance can be run at a time.. i think it's a short somewhere in the wiring. yesterday we heard a pop and ever since things have been going screwy. yesterdays been a wierd day. Today though we divert our focus onto this lovely couple. 9 years being together.. whoa! yep, they have high school dance pics together. Congrats Jerry-o!

Next wedding of the month... hmmz..
and i just got another invite to one in october.. lordy! i hope the ebay tuxedo will survive!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ahh yea, i finally got a webcam for all around usual goofieness, but decided to point it outside the house to show yall the lovely (i do love fog) weather. I might need to tweak it a little, move it around and what not. It's not taking the pics that i'm used to. It'll only update when the laptop downstairs is turned on, so don't yap about it being daylight at 10pm. Silly kids..
Today fluffielady and i didn't do much, got some goldfishies to inhabitate the tank. The legend of E the fish must continue!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yesterday fluffielady and i headed north towards mendocino.. Today we head south towards the Mystery Spot, in the Santa Cruz mountains. It's a 45-min 'tour' where your eyes get decieved with tricks and mystery.. Ooo! I liked it, it was kinda a fun place. I dunno about all the mumbo jumbo the guide spewed out though. It involves a hillside, some stones, a funnyhouse, and some mysticism. I wished i could play in the house a little more, the pics didn't come out that well. One of the things the guide said was that this 300 ft area was hard to take satillite photos of it. Well on google earth it's quite visible.

Nothing Abnormal here.. The 'hole'to the left of the address marker is an opening where the parking lot is..

Fluffielady didn't buy into the stories, it's all engineering + kinesiology to play with the mind. Anyhow we now have those Mystery Spot Bumper Stickers.. (More Oooo's!)

After that short stay in Santa Cruz, we headed to the gilroy outlets.. i felt imbalenced with fluffielady's many Coach purchases, lo and behold another sale. This time i had to get something for meself. Thats right, i got myself a belt.. What else is there to get for men? There was a toiletry bag, some wallets, messenger bag and a briefcase. But i didn't need any of those items. Driven by Capt'n D's desire for belts, i too felt the need to sport one.. Hmmz maybe i should use this coach belt for my speedshooting, i wonder how it'll handle the abuse of holsters and mag carriers.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Point Arena From the Sky (Google Earth Action!)

Point Arena On the Ground..

Today was the great loop-de-loop road trip up the cali coast. We started at 6:30am, headed past the golden gate and onward onto Highway 1.. Let's say that highway 1 isn't all that friendly to the tummy. Our only error was to head towards Point Reyes even though 1) it was pretty foggy 2) it says 21 miles to the lighthouse and 3) halfway towards the lighthouse a sign says 'closed on tues and weds. We get there and it's a nature hike, saw some deer trampling, some buildings. But to reach the lighthouse you had to go through this locked gate down 300 steps. Both of us were gonna hop the fence but then fluffielady realized that 300 steps is a bit to scurry around.
With our lighthouse hopes dashed i figure we might be able to hit the second one up the road. Point Arena, this one was easier to get to, it was only 2miles off highway one.. and the fog wasn't too crazy. We get to the lighthouse and after 132 steps up the spiraling staircase. We meet up with this pirate looking dood. He's our 'tourguide' who told us some stories and facts about the thing. The only thing i remember is: 1) it's the second lighthouse built 2) it's the first reenforced concrete structure post 1906 earthquake 3) it was powered by this weight that hand to be handcranked back up to the top every 75minutes and 4) the birdcage mechanism which houses the light and prism, which weighs 6000 pounds was sitting on a bath of mercury, and can be pushed with a finger. Talk about 40wt ball bearing fluid.

Going up!

After point arena became a blur as i get knocked out with all this gentle (or not) rocking of the car, as fluffielady handles the corners like a f1 racer. Eventually we got to the town of mendocino, which was like carmel by the sea: Kinda trinkety knick-knack selling city. Walked around, most of these towns are pretty small. All the ones we've passed was even smaller, and easily blown by in the car. It's like.. thats it? wheres the food at??
Got to our final destination, Ft. Bragg and ventured to the glass beach where i hear about it so much. Come to find that i think everybody's picked at the beach so much that theres not much glass left. And it's not really a beach with sand and all that. Theres bits of glass the same size as the gravel, and some bits are still sharp! woo!

Glass mixed with pebbles.. Hmm

Now, do i wanna put these glass bits into the aquarium.. hmmz..

Monday, August 15, 2005

No Matty, no fishing in here!

Time to start priming the tank for the armada of fishies. Fluffielady's parents stopped by over the weekend and dropped off their 55 gal. tank. We're going warm freshwater, for it's ease of maintenance (hopefully).
Today we headed to the San Mateo County fair.. woowoo! It's, oh.. 1/4th the size of the bakersfield fair but it's all the same. We find out that today is childrens day and tommorrow is seniors day. It's slightly expensive 7$ parking (which we didn't do), 9$ entry, and 8$ foods. Then theres the rides, 3$ for kiddie rides and 4$ for the bigger people rides on them janky 80's-music playing construction set things?? Fluffielady was having flashbacks of her 4-h club action. I was looking for the fistulated cow but there were the plain standard ones. There is a purpose for those portholes, it's not just some sick thing people do. Anyhow, petted the sheep and goats, they seemed friendly enough. I'm just not used to really big animals, Le Doot is the closest beast that i've handled. But after watching Fluffielady pet them cows, if she can do it, so can i.

From Live turkey..

To Not so live $7.50 Turkey Leg..

We finished strolling through the whole place in under 3-hours. Went to look for my old friend the fish nazi, but alas he is nowhere to be found. Maybe the fish nazi's service wasn't loved by others as well. We'll just hafta go to the usual places to buy fishies.

The final order of business was to patch the rear tire of fluffilady's honda. When it was done, the mechanics found 2 nails in the tire.. lordy!
Tomorrow, we're waking up early and gonna be floating up the cali. coast to mendocino. Why? why not. Originally it was to be a multi-day epic deal, but after searching through and through we couldnt' find much to do in the area. We'll probably end up in napa somehow. heh

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Finally.. For now..

Let's see..
Crown Molding.. $140
Insulation.. $460 -100GiftCard
Drapes and Rods.. $230

All we got left now is the crawlspace insulation. Which looks like it might be ~ $150 for the R13 plastic wrapped rolls. One day, dunno if it's gonna happen before school starts though. It will be a 4-person operation for the underground mission.

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: ZeRo
Today i had fun playing surgeon.. well sorta, i was sent off to the hospital and the guy was scheduled for hand-surgery. And wherever he goes i go, off to the Operating Room and i get the noobsuit, an all white neck to toe one-piece thats supposed to absorb light fluids. Uh, i'm not gonna be that close to the guy when he gets sliced n diced. Got to wear the 50's showercap and facemask, get into the room, guy gets put under, and my job is done. Didn't get to see the action, i was told to go back to the ward once the guy goes nini. Too bad, i wanted to see why i didn't want to become a doctor, oh well. Started a new book.. Bare Bones, it sounds like a CSI type book. Ooo!
Oh ya.. Capt'n D.. Your boy Mr. Portillo is back and he's totally spaced out.. can you say.. Cookoo!
And Carol, i got your info. Well had it since sunday. =p

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (Finally a chill day.)
NapTime During Lunch: 32min

Still the parties continue...
Yesterday was fun.. Snuck out early from work to chill at Paul and Christina's BeBe Shower. It was a pretty cool affair. Somehow the crew got into one of their silly games in which whoever drank the juice out of the baby bottle the fastest wins.. Whelp, due to my many years at work.. i sucked like no other and won! woot!

Tonight another party with Briand and Kim's Weddin shower. We got to dress up bert as the toilet paper wedding dress model. We won probably from the opera gloves and impromptu flower bouquet. It's the details that matter. heh. Afterwards we had a texas hold 'em battle. The prize was the poker chip set that was used. And somehow i won and now the next poker night is at my place.. Now somehow i'm gonna need to win a felt tabletop..

Monday, August 01, 2005

i betcha Saddam didn't have any of these.. too bad i'm a married man, those lamps would go with ANY bachelor pad!

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