
Monday, August 25, 2003

How far does one affect you?

i've got a new theory that just zapped into my mind! of course i haven't thought of a name for it yet though.. But i realize that after talking to one of my 'clients' i've discovered something.
Closemindedness = Ignorance = Lack of Education = a small Circle of 'Your' World..

So in that theory, whats this whole circle of your world crap.. I guess the statement 'if you can't trust yourself you can't trust anybody' is true. But your world is how you make of it. It depends on your view on things. And that view affects your decisions.. Your Choice.. it's like mapquest when you look for directions you can see the street view or the city view, or even better the state view.. It works like that for people, and thats how it works for management. How do you see your world? is it you and your pet? You and your family? how about you and your neighborhood? Got someone irritating around your neighborhood? how about your city? State? Country? World?

I've noticed that alot of the uneducated only care for themselves.. they might care for a friend, but they wouldn't have second thoughts about their woman. Their view is of themselves only, they don't care for others, some don't even care for their parents or kids. And these are the people who are spawning?
A neighborhood is what the community makes of it, the ghettos are ghettos because nobody cares about their buildings, their area. The have renters mindset, 'it's a rental car let's trash it!' or 'screw it, it ain't mine..' If you posted a sign that says clean your own mess up, that sign would probably be shot off or graffitied on.

I've spoken to some of my 'clients' and they only know of their 6 block area, they've never been to the beach, or to a shopping mall, or maybe they have one mall but not the other. They are afraid to venture to the unknown, to see things that might open their eyes to things. Is that sad or what? Go roam around the world, learn about things. Oh wait i said learn.. nevermind..

I love it when one whose ignorant, uses the easiest trick on the book.. The racial one..
Of course this spawns a whole slew of stuff.. Racial profiling, discrimination, blahblahblah.. here take an example, if your a cop, it's night time and your lying in wait for red-light running.. and you see a car with all it's windows tinted run a red. You pull it over and then you realize it was an african american behind the wheel. Ok no problem, you ask for i.d., registration, the whole nine yards. You give the ticket and off you go. A few months later you get a letter stating that you were racial profiling, pulling over only african americans.. But you weren't pulling over certain people, you were only enforcing the traffic laws.. anyways, i digress..

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