
Tuesday, September 09, 2003

a day of nothingness

I still wonder if i should get a motorcycle jack to do work on it, but that's 90$, which isn't a problem but where to store the jack is. But after filling it up with 10-40w Half Dino/Half Synth Oil, I thought the bike was riding like S i l K now it rides U l t r a S i l k y S m o o t h.. Throttle response is linear, suspension is not too hard not too soft. Pipes a Hummin.. Mmmm yum.. From what i read off the manual it's oil change every 4k, and filter change every 12k.. I wonder if i should change the filter every 8k.. Sure why not, it's only gonna take me forever to get the milage. I wanted to get the Gourmet Synthetic Oil for 6-7$ a quart, the moto only needs like 2.5qts.. But the oil filter, good lord for high performance vehicles is 15$ a pop! I thought my Volkswagon's 11$ a pop was bad.
The only problems was that the oil pan we used for cars is too tall for the moto (unless i buy the jack). Also i hate it when it drips all over the pipes and what not, sorta annoying. The metal gasket is what i truly hate. To get it off the nut it's fricking doing surgery.

At least this time i didn't have extra parts left over.. heh..

So my backs all cracked and i think it is making me taller. I guess (attempting to) getting rid of that Bicycle / motorcycle Hunchback is a good thing eh?

Oh ya i added some links to the sidebar over there.. Everybody just wants to BangBangBang!

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