Saturday, September 06, 2003
Spawn!! Like Mad!!
It sucks, it's inevitible, the world is coming to an end. I was just reading the newspaper at work where there are few and not enough military Buglers (the ones who play 'taps' on the trumpet). It said that there are about 500 Buglers a day but the need is around 1800 a day, for various functions, funerals, parades, to tuck you in at night, whatever. So the military has invented a 500$ mp3 player that is stuck in a trumpet, the Psudo-bugler presses a button, waits 5 seconds, and in that time he raises the trumpet up to his mouth and pretends to blow, which the mp3 player should have turned on and played it's tune.
The trumpet is an example of my techonology theory. Techonology v. Skill. The need for skilled Buglers is todays lesson: Spawning Skilled people v. Spawning Stupid people
It can't be helped. Too bad for things like the Hippocratic oath, welfare, and Section 8 assistance these things support the unsupportable. Statistics show that in the Bay Area, to sustain yourself, you need to make 36k a year, just by yourself. That invovles rent, food, insurances, toys, drinking money, whatever. Well if you have One Child, the cost to sustain jumps to about 45k a year, Two Children is 64K a year and so on. So whatabout the people who are on welfare and have 3,4,5, 8 kids? Well thats what welfare is about isn't it? What it amounts to is... Dumb people are spawning with other dumb people, which is creating MORE dumb people in which the rest of the working class has to pay for. ALSO the people of *higher* intellegence have few or no children themselves. Therefore the number of dumber people have already surpassed smart people eons ago. Dumb people are like an exponential equation.. it starts with 2 then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64... With smarter people spawning less they become overshadowed by the lesser beings, 1 to 2, then 4, 6, 10. As you can see by the 5th generation there are 32children v. 10 smart kids. Some of the smartest of peoples who don't have children and have amassed assets, or property usually donate it to the needy, disadvantaged, or those of the poor social-economic status. Even though they don't have kids, they should pass it down to the next generation that might have the same ideals, or specializations. Do you ever wonder how come a couple, freshly married and newly hired full time middle-class workers can hardly make money to buy a house where all they see around them is households of 10-15 people pooling their low incomes to get in. This causes ripples of effect on everything they touch. Usually a house with 10-15 people are untidy, they are all squished in and thus creates filth. This filth may be overflowed out into the street, which causes the neighborhood to look bad. This causes the housing market to go down and the area becomes undesireable. Eventually Undesireables come to live in these areas because it's become that cheap, and guess what, undesireables start spawning.. Sweet deal isn't it?
End of the world.. it's going as we speak..
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