
Sunday, November 16, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10 (i am the shiva of the floor! i control the flow! i am the gate boy!)
NapTime During Lunch: none, was talking on the phone.

ugh! off to breaking things again, i broke both decapping pins for the .223!!! Unbelieveable!! That and the whole resizing part looks kinda bent. =( this is getting weak! i did manage to make 45rounds for tommorrow.. it's open range time to see if 1)these things work and 2) work well.. Time to find out! and time to get some replacement decapping pins! ugh! Theres two types of flash holes (the hole where the primer ignites the powder) the boxer primed (one center hole) and the berdan prime (2 smaller holes but to the sides of the center). Somehow i musta got some berdan primed brass and the first one bent the whole sizing unit, i replaced the pin but eventually that got bent too.. UGH!!

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