
Sunday, November 30, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 3 out of 10 (drama begins..a 9 out of 10 for my co-worker.)
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

I think i'm gonna be thrusted into the 'politics' of my work. Not by choice. I don't really regard it as politics i think it's how things should be, so heres the background:

My co-worker and i were hanging out helping the medical staff adminster medications. The three of us step into this one area which has meanies, but this area had 3 psychiatric meanies. So it's worst of the worst, meds wear off and the person is back to their about-to-ignite-attitudes. So this one guy let's call him L, was a particularly hostile type. Yea talk to him nicely and he's usually mellow but how could you when he's dead asleep from the meds from earlier (like 6hrs earlier). So you try once in the easy tone, then you go louder, and one last bellow before we leave. Patients have the right to refuse medicine, but when they are asleep it can go either way. So we awaken young Mr. L and he seemed fine to the idea of medication. All of a sudden when my coworker comes by, he mutters something, oviously the thing to do is ask 'what did you say'. and saying that to this particular set-it-off kinda person thought it was a threat. What does he do? The unhumanly thing to do.. Spit.. Right then me and my coworker look at each other, tell the medical staff to scoot on out 'cuz somethings gonna happen.. Something physical.. ok get the gloves on, call for a supervisor, and see what happens after that. (When i used to work on the swing watch, it was, do the deed and then call for the supervisor) Well we called for the only one around, but he called it off, told us to leave. Both me and my coworker were stunned. I sensed since we've changed our main boss that the tone is different. The tone is set by the heads and passed down. Well this guy was rumored to have a no-hands type of approach. To us it meant that you lie,cheat,steal, feed your way into our clients. Which sends a signal to the other clients.. It's like when dogs can smell your fear, they feed on it.
So we leave, befuddled, stunned, shocked even to as what to do. As we left my coworker told him that he's going to be written up. Mr. L's response? another spat. To my buddies face. Now what do you do?
Nothing Why? Since he is a psych client he gets special privilages?! He can do what he wants and we can't? All he got was a write-up? You get write-ups for breaking rules (Mala Prohibita (latin for crime of rules instead of Mala In Se: Crime of morals)); Running stop-signs, speeding, hoarding medications.. But when they get physical we're supposed to respond physically. It's called the 'circle of force' or pyramid of force. You start at a low level, and when they escalate, so do you.
So this whole show proves to them that it's ok to do what he just did and he's gonna continue. It's like playing poker, it's all in the 'tell,' the subconsious signals that players send when they are either winning or losing. I've called their bluffs many a time and that was it for the moment, the game was over. I won the hand. Well this time we didnt' just lose the hand, we gave them another level to play on. I wonder how crazy it's gonna be when i get back from my days off. Hopefully it can be contained. I'd like to crack a little action on Mr. L for doing what he did, but these are the things in which nobody is supposed to know. The stories, the rumors. Why is that? it's called Title 42 of the United States Code Section 1983. So i don't even consider it politics, but when supervisors believe in one thing, and the busy-bees believe in another. Things are gonna start rubbing the wrong way. It's the whole Theory vs. Reality principal. Yea it *should* work that way, but does it?

it's like when i do the visiting with my clients' parents, sibilings, loved ones. If they could only see what happens for just a day, 5ft in from the glass windows and telephones. It's kinda like a very mild version of Training day but no weapons.

Once in a while i do wonder if this is the career that i'd want to be in.

On another note, it seems that the term cockroach does fit my lovely car-stealing-reckless-driving-sideshow-neighbor. Once in a while when i wake up at 5:40am, my neighbor and his buddies are out there doing their hanging out thing. But once i turn on the TV for my morning stretching, and the neighbor sees the glare eminating from my house. Off they scatter. All gone..

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