
Sunday, November 23, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work:1.5 out of 10 (i got amped up and ready to rumble! Other than that it woulda been a 1 or less!)
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

The day was easy except for:
Yanno there are situations in which things can go different directions. For me it's one of those things in which if i don't hafta go that way i don't hafta. I coulda easily gone physical with a certain 'client' of mine but something stopped me. I think it's the same thing as when i drink enough alkies that something tells me to 'pause'. It's kinda neat, since this situation, which involved butting heads (mine and that clients) that it coulda gone bad. I mean my decisions would probably be supported by my supervisors but then there are always 'alternative' methods of handling situations. Yea.. right.. you try to think of 'alternative' methods when someones refusing your orders and is swearing at you, stepping up in front of you in front of others to show whos bad.. I didn't realize it until after i stopped that if i was on the swing watch, there wouldn't be any 'alternative' methods. A bunch of cowboys on that watch that i liked. It's how it's supposed to be. But noooo, on the midnight and day watch there are more chiefs than indians. (one day i commented on that, there were 4 supervisors to 3 workers working the line) and of course since this is S.F. we need to understand their pain and not infuriate these gentle beasts who've strayed their way in society. Riiight.. tell that to the one who's had a criminal history whos served time in Alcatraz..

So From now on if i can get away with it, i'll answer the phones with 'Welcome to County Hotel #1, how can i help you?' heh..

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