
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 5.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 35min

Busy day busy day.. if it wasn't for my coworkers actually working.. heh.. No slug on my side of the line!

I wonder if theres a way to have that difficulty at work and the naptime thing there permanently.. *shrug* Anywho lately as i ride my bicycle to work everyday it seems as if a pattern is emerging thats kinda cool kinda ground-hogs day type of thing. For instance, when i ride to work, when i reach valencia blvd. theres a black man at the bus station, and usually the bus is just beginning to reach that bus station. I see him almost everytime (95%). Afterwards when i get to 24th and valencia i see puffyjacket girl sometimes (60%), and at Folsom and 11th theres this latin girl (80%)waiting at it's bus stop. Then when i go home, theres poorly dressed asian kid with his dad,(50%) at 20th and valencia. Homeless man with guitar in a doorway around 21st/22nd and valencia (75%). And the gangsters near Army street and Valencia (rarely). How odd is that?

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