
Thursday, March 04, 2004

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Was giving it up..

yep, thats right, i was giving it up.. Donating Blood! I haven't done so in about 13months so heck why not. I have this theory of me that if i don't donate within a certain time, i get these nosebleeds out of nowhere. It's like i'm overflowing with blood. I always hear of blood banks not having enough supplies n what not. They should have it where everytime you donate, it can be a tax deduction. I betcha people would come, every little tax advantage counts! Oh well but what am i, but a lowly busy bee in a hive of madness.
Obviously, people won't donate 'cuz it's giving something for nothing. It's the 'it-won't-affect-me-'cuz-it-doesn't-involve-me' mentality. Well when your in trauma room #1 and they need blood, they certainly ain't gonna get it from u!
The best part is afterwards, they give you this thing about what to do after giving up the red stuff. And one of the things it states is : 'Don't Do Strenuous Exercise.' Sweet.. I have an excuse to slack off.. like it's that hard of a job anyways.. mwahahha!

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