
Monday, July 12, 2004

Finally back to normal life!!

Went to the eye doctor and something wierd happened.. my eyeglass perscription got lowered! i used to be a -1.25 and -1.50 but now i'm -.75 and -1.25.. woohoo!

Fluffielady and i went n got our backs cracked and afterwards we roamed good old hippieville, berkeley.. We had a box of clothes that her kiddies left behind so we tried to sell it at The Buffalo Exchange and the Crossroads trading co. Both resulted in nothing sold. They had quite high expectations, one girl actually said that the stuff they are looking for is in excellent condition and things that you would see in the stores.. So you want almost new clothes??? ahuh..
anywho we ate at this one place in berkeley called Unicorn. It was quite yummy, they have 15 different fusion teas! I highly recommend the tomato flavored garlic noodles and the chicken with spicy mango sauce.. MMmmm

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