Friday, January 28, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Yesterday Blasted Gats with my brother and my boarder bro Alton. I forgot to ask but it seems his foot is doing fine. We were at the range shooting and this guy comes in with a HK Mk23.. Capt'n D's got a mk23, but this guy had the original kit that was sold in the US. The kit came with camo case and a fake silencer, which was just a pipe, but it screwed onto the threaded barrel. The guy also had a laser mounted on the thing! It was a bit heavy, i shot it a few with the 'silencer' but couldn't see where my shots were going, i'm thinking down and to the right. The silencer prevented the pistol from cycling but thats the pipe version, the real one he says weighs alot less and the pistol cycles all well, it was made on purpose like that.
Fluffielady yesterday was at her worse yesterday. Poor thing. =(
Today shes alot better, and the weekend is coming so, it should be all good for her.
Today i also had a dream where i was doing something and i remembered that i forgot to call in sick.. Dreams like that can get you all confuzzled when you wake up.. Did i call in sick? Is this my day off? whats going on?? heh
So let me get this straight.. if you lived in san francisco, you won't be able to smoke at a restaurant, or a park. You'll need a proper Dog house and everything that comes with it. You'll hafta pay 17cents per paper or plastic bag you buy in a grocery. You won't be able to buy guns and you'll hafta give them up *if* the law passes. But You can have a gay marriage And Smoke pot if it's perscribed to you.. I think from now on, it's ok to be bass ackwards. Polarities must have shifted, bad does mean good and good well.. Doing good has now gone to the wayside.. Merinol Anyone? Yall know what Delta-9-THC is right? heh
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Yesterday Blasted Gats with my brother and my boarder bro Alton. I forgot to ask but it seems his foot is doing fine. We were at the range shooting and this guy comes in with a HK Mk23.. Capt'n D's got a mk23, but this guy had the original kit that was sold in the US. The kit came with camo case and a fake silencer, which was just a pipe, but it screwed onto the threaded barrel. The guy also had a laser mounted on the thing! It was a bit heavy, i shot it a few with the 'silencer' but couldn't see where my shots were going, i'm thinking down and to the right. The silencer prevented the pistol from cycling but thats the pipe version, the real one he says weighs alot less and the pistol cycles all well, it was made on purpose like that.
Fluffielady yesterday was at her worse yesterday. Poor thing. =(
Today shes alot better, and the weekend is coming so, it should be all good for her.
Today i also had a dream where i was doing something and i remembered that i forgot to call in sick.. Dreams like that can get you all confuzzled when you wake up.. Did i call in sick? Is this my day off? whats going on?? heh
So let me get this straight.. if you lived in san francisco, you won't be able to smoke at a restaurant, or a park. You'll need a proper Dog house and everything that comes with it. You'll hafta pay 17cents per paper or plastic bag you buy in a grocery. You won't be able to buy guns and you'll hafta give them up *if* the law passes. But You can have a gay marriage And Smoke pot if it's perscribed to you.. I think from now on, it's ok to be bass ackwards. Polarities must have shifted, bad does mean good and good well.. Doing good has now gone to the wayside.. Merinol Anyone? Yall know what Delta-9-THC is right? heh
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