Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Toy!
I won this on ebay, a 2001 Trek X01, Cyclocross bike. It came pretty quick from Kentucky. It seems like the guy tricked out by making it a single ring up front, took off the front derailuer. Upgraded the wheelset, shifter / brake combo and headset. It's pretty light, well any road bike is light compared to all the other bikes i got. i don't know why but for cyclocross racing, the brake levers are backwards. The good thing about cyclocross bikes is that the frame is built tougher. And my bicycling buddies know how i like tougher stuff.
In other news, i shot at the 2nd annual snipers challenge. This year i stuck a Harris BiPod on my Thompson Contender. Well doing that has caused my eye relief to shorten greatly which resulted in poor field of view through my scope, my tired neck from snowboarding didn't help either. In the end i sucked. big time. I shot better without the bipod. At least i shot fairly ok with my pistol.
Time to pump the tires swap some pedals, and ride.. i just need to remember the brakes,The brakes!!
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