Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Advanced You scored 92% Beginner, 92% Intermediate, 86% Advanced, and 66% Expert! |
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid |
I took Carol's silly engrish test and got an advanced score! woohoo!
Yesterday i wanted to ride 15 miles each direction.. Well at 5miles i'm in Milbrae.. at 7.1 miles i'm at the dam at the south side of the San Andreas lake. It was going downhill for a bit, and i know once you go downhill, getting back is all uphill. I did 12miles in 48minutes, and 14 miles in 58.. So i'm guessing my 24 mile run is about 1.5-1.75hrs.. lordy.. i'm just wondering if i should use my cellphone as a mp3 player while riding..
Today.. Me n Delilah went venturing outward bound.. She can do everything!

Wet your toes delilah! Shes going Stream Hopping!

My coworkers wanted to head out into the boonies.. the serious ones where 1) i had to go stream hopping, and 2) the last 6 miles was offroad!
We went out north of Lake Berryessa, into BLM land, where you can shoot all you want. They do this event every 6-9 months. The time getting there and the stuff you do isn't for me. All you do is shoot at rocks, water, puddles, trees, cans, bottles.. Sorta not my style. It was cool, but not my style.
Later i had to leave early to go to a funeral back in pacifica. i never really knew this guy but when i was little we were camping alot and whenever i went to our family friends' xmas and turkey party he was there, with his family. Anyhow the wife helped out with our wedding, making all the centerpieces at all the tables and a fat ring of flowers for the wedding cake. He was a nice man, his 2 daughters are cool.
p.s. oi! at the sidebar sillyness.. and *if* i knew where someone lived, i woulda visited. After Supergo.. =p~
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