
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10 (5.25hrs OT)
NapTime During Lunch: 0min

PoorPoor Fluffielady.. 3:45am today she had an onset of Food Poisoning. Bad thing is today is rehearsals for the dance concert later tonight. She tried to rest so that she could at least go to the show but that didn't happen.. The poisoning came from this burrito shop across the street from the El Farolito on Geneva and Onondaga. We've been there a bunch of times but she had chicken, i had beef.. oi..

I had a fun romp to the Hospital. i saw Ultrasound action.. Now i've almost completed my set of diagnostic tools.. MRI, CAT, PET, UltraScan, X-ray, and some Brainwave scan for epileptic action. It's just odd entering an area called Nuclear Sciences..
Nuke it!

oh ya i just remembered another thing about Star Wars 3.. I dunno if it's 'cuz i look at Fark.com's Photoshop contests too much but the Cliche'd 'it's a trap' phrase was used at least 3 times in the movie..

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