
Friday, May 06, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 29min.

Whelp the Pope's Ex-vehicle landed a hefty price of approx. $244k.. I'd put a supercharger + intercooler in that, a H&R Stage 2 coilovers, and some Volk racing rims on it..

Off to Olive Garden for my brothers birthday action + momma's dad dindins.. Fluffielady and i roamed around Stonestown first and at Bath and Body works it's all changed.. Now they sell all this high-end european made stuff that sounds european but it might not be. Anyhow i originally bought my first cosmetic product, a 40$ deal. i thought it was for dry skin, but i come to find it's for post-shave skinburn. It had macadamian nut oil, and other foofoo stuff.. it felt pretty good onto my dry cracked fingers. But after chilling at olive garden i realized i got the wrong thing. Went back and got Some cheaper foofoo Shea and Honey stuff.. At 21$ this thing is gonna last forever, since i use less than a dab..

Less-than-a-dab-will-do-you.. What is the world coming to? The people say that the stonestown Bath and Body works is their new flagship store, thats why all this high end dada, which comes to blingbling prices. an example is this cute goldfish in water in a plastic bag soap.. Kinda neat.. not worth 7.25 though.. and a Medium sized Mashed Potato Candle for 20$ i dunno about that either.
I haven't posted one of my "The world is coming to an end.. and i'll show you how.." theories, but here goes one:

Lately i've been noticing or been seeing certain vehicles that actually start traffic.. It's usually some old pick-up truck filled with junk. Or some raggy old van or car, in the left lane driving 45.. That person my friend IS traffic and will become a bigger critical mass as time continued. This morning i dodged one such junky van and noticed 1) theres nobody in front of me. and conversly 2) there was this mass of lights behind me.. All from one junky van on the left lane.. i hate those people, i really do.

Oh that comes to my theory that i haven't posted. I think traffic comes from Low-level employees.. Followers, who cannot lead. Since they aren't use to being in front of the pack, they slow down until they are comfortable with others in a group.. kinda like a herd of animals. Only then will they go at a decent speed. But the effect of that is a mass of vehicles, then emptieness and another pack of vehicles. I always find it odd that i'm going from one pack of cars to the next and being in the middle of the emptieness, where i'm free to do whatever and to see both in front and behind the mass in which people won't pass or doesn't want to be passed. Lamers, and wangers!
What ever happened to the left lane as the passing lane and slower traffic staying to the right? What ever happened to being aware of your surroundings but you can't see around you if your this small dood(ette) in a lifted SUV..
1)Not being aware and 2)Shifting the blame to something other than yourself will destroy this world. I can see it already happening. You know that saying 'nice guys finish last'. It's true.
Say your on a 3-laned highway, and theres signs saying merge left, lane ending. Most nice people would have changed lanes usually when they see the sign. What does this cause? More cars on the 2 left lanes and a empty merge lane. What do people do nowadays? ride on the merge lane until the end of ends and then fit your ultra big SUV in. The result? the nice guy is behind the punk cutting you, he now has the 10 foot advantage.. he's 10 feet in the lead in front of you. I'm guessing thats why all these shooting rampages are starting in LA.. The escalation from Hand gestures to projectile weapons. Of course it's never their fault, and who pays? we do..

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