Monday, July 11, 2005
Shift Happens..
Sorry, it's been a while since i've updated.. scary.. Work is the usual bleh.. But we've been working on the house. Summertime action. Fluffielady's Parents were over last weekend and now this weekend. They just installed crown molding and it does look pretty spiffy.. In the pic you can also see the DVD case fluffielady's dad made.. neato!
Since we're now tearing up the place, i ventured into the crawlspace of the house to rewire the speakers. The left front is now on the other side of the fireplace and the rear left is nearby the wall. After some drilling into the floor, routed the cable through and ba-bang!
Tomorrow we're gonna be putting up a shelf for the center speaker and it should be all finished. For now..
Finally got the hawaii pics up at Sony's Imagestation.. Speake of which, it seems that we'll be going there next year.. mwahahha!
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