
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (Finally a chill day.)
NapTime During Lunch: 32min

Still the parties continue...
Yesterday was fun.. Snuck out early from work to chill at Paul and Christina's BeBe Shower. It was a pretty cool affair. Somehow the crew got into one of their silly games in which whoever drank the juice out of the baby bottle the fastest wins.. Whelp, due to my many years at work.. i sucked like no other and won! woot!

Tonight another party with Briand and Kim's Weddin shower. We got to dress up bert as the toilet paper wedding dress model. We won probably from the opera gloves and impromptu flower bouquet. It's the details that matter. heh. Afterwards we had a texas hold 'em battle. The prize was the poker chip set that was used. And somehow i won and now the next poker night is at my place.. Now somehow i'm gonna need to win a felt tabletop..

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