Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 3.0 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 33min
Today is a sad day. i missed the funeral services of a good coworker, skii and martini buddy, Carthell Lewis. When i first started working there i met him and the first thing you immediately noticed was this growth on the back of his neck. He played it off as a birthmark, something he's always had in his life. He had an excellent work eithic, working quite a bit of overtime. Worked hard and played hard. He was always there to assist, gave good advice, didn't badger or harass you unless you were drunk off your rocker at the Roxy Martini bar(it said 102 different types of martini's, one can only buy so many!).
The last time i saw him work was around march / april 2002. He did a day trade with me, worked for me and i was supposed to work for him, because he was planning a trip to the philippines. He joked that maybe i didn't hafta pay him back. The growth had started bothering him. It'd bleed here and there, sometimes painful. Carthell eventually went to a doctor to check it out. He comes to find out it's cancerous. i heard things about him being in a daze, or asleep, tired, zoinked out from the drugs. Then 3 months ago i see him alive and well and chatting it up. He wanted to setup a skii trip, 'cuz he was feeling good to go. 2 weeks later everybody finds out he has 3-7 weeks to go. Everthing went bad in a flash. He passed away on the 23rd of Sept. One of the few good guys at work. During his absence he was on catastrophic leave, it was the only time i could pay him back. I gave him 40 hours of my sick time.
It woulda been nice to badger one of the few twin stick (skii's) riders. I never did get to see his impression of ABC's world of sports' "agony of defeat", which i hear, he did flawlessly at Squaw Valley.
Heres a shot of Patron to you Carthell..
NapTime During Lunch: 33min
Today is a sad day. i missed the funeral services of a good coworker, skii and martini buddy, Carthell Lewis. When i first started working there i met him and the first thing you immediately noticed was this growth on the back of his neck. He played it off as a birthmark, something he's always had in his life. He had an excellent work eithic, working quite a bit of overtime. Worked hard and played hard. He was always there to assist, gave good advice, didn't badger or harass you unless you were drunk off your rocker at the Roxy Martini bar(it said 102 different types of martini's, one can only buy so many!).
The last time i saw him work was around march / april 2002. He did a day trade with me, worked for me and i was supposed to work for him, because he was planning a trip to the philippines. He joked that maybe i didn't hafta pay him back. The growth had started bothering him. It'd bleed here and there, sometimes painful. Carthell eventually went to a doctor to check it out. He comes to find out it's cancerous. i heard things about him being in a daze, or asleep, tired, zoinked out from the drugs. Then 3 months ago i see him alive and well and chatting it up. He wanted to setup a skii trip, 'cuz he was feeling good to go. 2 weeks later everybody finds out he has 3-7 weeks to go. Everthing went bad in a flash. He passed away on the 23rd of Sept. One of the few good guys at work. During his absence he was on catastrophic leave, it was the only time i could pay him back. I gave him 40 hours of my sick time.
It woulda been nice to badger one of the few twin stick (skii's) riders. I never did get to see his impression of ABC's world of sports' "agony of defeat", which i hear, he did flawlessly at Squaw Valley.
Heres a shot of Patron to you Carthell..
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