
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.0 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

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i'm gonna add another little tidbit to my posts.. every post is gonna have the phrase "Today I:" and finish it.. let's see how interesting this gets..

Today I: found out that all this involuntary overtime is a result of several supervisors not doing their job in being diligent in informing those who want to work OT instead of drafting and causing disparagement amongst the worker bees.

Today as everybody changes and walks out the door, our lovely supervisor realizes that one more worker bee needs to be kept for the next watch. So here you are dressed to leave, already thinking about anything but work and your dragged back. That is what i call.. WEAK! Fortunately i was hit yesterday and was moved to the bottom of the list, but still, get shafted as your on your way out. Lordy! Today it was known at the beginning of the shift that swings needed 2 people. what happened? nothing, till the 2:58pm draft.

This is that part of civic duty where nobody cares and 'eh, it happens it happens'. It also shows your level as a supervisor towards everybody else. When i first started i never was near supervisors, heck to hide from them the better. Then you realize when you have a good one vs. a bad one. It's the little things, some from knowledge and some from experience.
One supervisor tells an injured coworker (on a weekend) to go to San Francisco General hospital, sure it's the 'standard' thing to do. But another supervisor at another place with both the know how and experience tells the injured coworker to go to Davies Medical center in an unmarked vehicle. it's smaller, less people, faster care. Both were right but the little things that move one to another. Thats why people want out of where i'm working. i wonder if i should too bail and head to the hills, it is only a 8minute bicycle ride away.

Oh and i'll put another "Today i:"
Today i: am quite hydrated.

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