
Monday, January 30, 2006

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 40mins

Ooo Fluffielady's 'Bayside Middle school for the Arts and Creative Technology' has evolved into this new thing on the web called 'blogs!' Sweetness! Come Visit Fluffielady's Dance Class Blog (even though it's mostly homework and ran by me =p~)
One day they'll have computers capable of blogging at their own classrooms! Ooo yea!

Lets see, on Saturday, i snapped some caps with my brother, his friend Peter and Roger our Chiroprator. The Weather was cloudy with temporary periods of drizzling, nothing horrible. Peter just picked up a brand new Springfield Armory M-1A 'loaded' edition. Also it's Rogers first time going blamblam! He got to taste a few treats such as the AR (me thinks he likes it), M1 Garand, 1903, the M-1A of course, then to the pistols: My Para-Ord, S&W 686 .357.
My brother never did get to shoot the 686 until Saturday. He asked me to bring it and i asked him to purchase factory .357Mag ammo. He asked why, and i just told him to do so. When he loaded up the other 357 and 38 special ammo, it was easy to shoot. When the Factory 357Mags were loaded i expected this huge plume of smoke to come out of the gun, instead i got this lightshow / fireball coming out of the handcannon. Too bad all of us forgot to take a pic or video the cannon in action. I think it was the only gun at the range to light up.

Yesterdays Chinese New Years Woot! We did the customary familia dindins at Milbrae, its normally at the R&G Lounge (Mmmm Salt n Pepper Crab!) Oh well, sooner or later we'll be back there again. Till then we'll be eyeing the crabby crabs!

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