
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Today was a pretty busy day. It seems that their all busy days now, ugh!

Woke up at 8:30am. Delilah turned 90k miles when driving back from Bakersfield. So i did an oil change and tire rotate on her. I think i'll get some plugs as well. On the tire rotate i found that every tire (weak!) had a nail fully flushed with the tire so i suppose it's alright. They are supremely slow-to-no leaks. I think these tires are almost done. Maybe the next oil change new tires are in order. Must-watch-the-wear-line..

At 11am it was to the back crakas.
At 1:30pm we went to Danville for a funeral of a wife of a coworkers. Ed Bianchi. He's a pretty cool guy, mello n whatnot. His wife, Kelly, had a terrible car crash with his mother-in-law. Kelly passed away on the 3rd or 4th of this month. A bunch of us were there, it was a packed house, fluffielady and i stood out with a bunch of others in the hallway. It was nice hearing the stories. Ed was one of the guys i started with when i was on the midnight shift on the 6th floor. We handled my first fight call together.
It was around 1-2am and we hear this shouting and swearing. So the usual we get up, walk around and tell the people to go back to sleep. Someone HAD to mouth back at us. So we go in and check things out. We find this one guy all angry at the world or something and we're trying to calm him down. But he gets up and out of bed and is still pissed. Dood takes a swing at Ed and misses and we all lurch at the fool. We got your back Ed, we always do.

After that, we get home and go to my cousins 40th birthday! Whoa where has the time been! She and her family was at once part of the whole 11 people a house. Her mom was my dad's sister and just came over from Bejing. I was 6 or so. She tried to teach me mandarin. i asked her about it again today and she said i was a lousy student.. gee thanks! She was 17-18 then. Man! She was gracious enough to lend us her 3 daughters for the flowergirl activities. So for this 40th year celebration, they had whole Maine lobsters! I was trying to crack open Fluffielady's and her lobster just spatted all over me! Doh! I seriously smelled like the good ol sea for a while!

My system is now online. It owns! Yes it looks like a refrigerator but stylewise it's kinda classy. The system fans are all set on low and the CPU temp is at 31degrees celcius. 22degrees for the motherboard temp sensor. The autoadjustable one runs from 550-850rpm, which sets off the software alarm (it thinks the fan is dying, since it's going so slow). woowoo!
I've started overclocking it, the system bus is stock at 200mhz x5 = which is 1000mhz each direction. Now i've got it at 250 x5 and may push it some more. I've heard stories of it going to 325 x5.. lordy!
The video card is stock at 600mhz core and 700 x2(ddr)memory. I've pushed it to 640mhz core and 750memory. The difference is on 3dmark05 Stock scores a 5134, while overclocked is 5573. woo! My old system score was 1350. Tis bomb, and it's sooo quiet now, scary quiet! Just a very-low hum and nothing else.

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