
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 5 Min Nod

Todays Tidbits:
i forgot to finish yesterdays post.. i forgot to say that if they banned guns due to bad people having it therefore nobody should have it. Then they should ban the illegals. Ban everything!

So today i had another wierd dream but i don't remember it as of now.. ugh.

But todays fortune cookie says 'Someone in your life needs a letter from you.'
So who would that be? And do emails count?

Today we broke open Fluffielady's xmas present of the HP Photosmart 8250. The heads move so fast that it rocks the table a bit, and this table has a 75lb 21" CRT monitor! Anyhow doing some research, i found out that paper does make a big difference in color picture prints. It's kinda wide, and it takes 6 ink tanks! woo! I made a 4x6 print of a photoshopped wedding picture and it came out pretty good. Now i can photoshop and print photos with wild abandon! Well till the ink goes..

My grandmama has been in the hospital for a while now, and we visited her tonight. She seems to be doing well. Fluffielady and i think that she had caught one of those waves of crazy heavy flu, which fluffielady had (for a month) but i didn't (how odd). I guess she was in the ICU for 3-4 days with a fatty fever but is now doing better. At first i thought it was heart related but i dunno after visiting and looking at her, i think it was the icky flu. icky flu go away!

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