
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.25 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 29min

One of the many items on the ToasTy Approved List involves The North American High Pressure System. Usually it's absent till spring / summer / fall. See what happens when it takes a vacation? Last i heard it's rained 37 out of the past 47 days. Since i'm a die-hard fan of Ebay. I tried to find an Ark for the impending 40days n 40nights of rain. Unfortunatly Ebay Motors didn't have any on sale, everybody musta got one before i could. =( Let's hope my home being on high ground stays. Since i've banished weather.com, i now hang out at two weather spots: Intellicast.com and weather underground.com. It's amazing how many sites take info off of weather.com. Which equates to wrong info to everyone! At least these two sites show more detailed stuff that a weather-fiend like me needs to know. Mmmm Milibars and kilopascals, yum!

And now for some more sad news..
Is this for real?

So, is Texas part of Mexico now? Or was mexico sucked into the U.S. that they can vote for our presidents?
All i can say is be afraid..

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