
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Yesterday was a fun day, Work was ok. Everybody wanted out since it was good friday, so people sped on through.

Afterwork got home and got ready to go to the Cobb's Comedy Club in the North Beach on the moto. Hung out with Paul, Christina, Sherwin and Bertos. We ventured to seek the inspiring anecdotes from Comedians Sheng Wang, Tina Kim, Kevin Kataoka, and Headliner Dat Phan, in the "Far East-er Comedy Show".
Shen Wang is a Chinese guy that was pretty mellow and cool. Tina Kim's a Korean with her Asian Flower Princess jokes. Kevin Kataoka is a Japanese dood with serious deep though. And Dat Phan (yes, pronounced "Dat-Fan") is a Vietnamese guy who loves his roots and parents.
All 4 are americanized asians who have the view of both sides of the world. So they can see the transitions and challenges that bring onto traditional parents with modern children. Each had their ethnic jokes, except for Kevin Kataoka. Mr. Kataoka is from the bay area so there in it's own has alot of material. It was a pretty good show. Click here to see some material from Dat Phan.

Today i did useless stuff. I'm playing Call of Duty 2, and this game is silly. It's comedic is the way i describe the game. Theres parts of the game where your tasked to do certain things, like snipe, call artillery coordinates, drive tanks, shoot cannons / anti-aircraft guns. These tasks come at certain parts of the game and it becomes kinda like a mini-game within the game. One of the bad things of the game is you can't really die unless you, stand on a grenade, or bum-rush a tank. You can bum-rush 6 baddies, get shot up, yet still overcome them. So the game brings suicidal tendencies. 'cuz if you rush to a certain area, there aren't as many enemies that 'pop' up. So what i do now is flank the 'main' area as much as i can and see these people pop up and run away from me basically and get zapped. 'cuz they're programmed to run to a certain spot and wait for u to interact. I like these script-linked games, which also lead you to areas. Your running and running and then theres a wall, barbed wire, or better yet the 'invisible wall' in which you've gone the wrong way. It's silly.

I also spent the day battling my ATI TV Wonder USB 2.0. It's a TV tuner thats connected to a VCR that i lugged to my room. I wanted to transfer to DVD. Fluffielady also has some super old school tape stuff that she wants preserved so i found the TV Wonder on sale and went for it. It worked fine till today. If i record and save it saves as a Zero KB file. Or if i save and it does, it shows a 1/2 second loop for the whole length. This blows! Silly software issues! Fire the whole software team and outsource it! heh. So now my new task is to figure out what to do with this situation. ugh.

And now for some good news. Just came back from the R&G Lounge and found out that my Grandma Ma is out of the hospital and doing well.. Wooo!

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