
Sunday, May 28, 2006

A warning to all: Too much Shellfish makes Fluffielady Crabby! (neakneakneak)

Yesterday was Evan's Day.

Well he's there.. somewhere..

Can you hear me now?

Me n Moms..

The high point of the day was that the weather was quite excellent. Blue sky, zero to low winds equals baking action by the sun. It happens all the time at graduations, so the people have improvised. Everybody started to use the programs as hats! The fun part begins when that single gust of wind comes and everybodys 'hats' flies away. Weee!

We had several guest speakers who spoke about nothing to do with graduation except that we have a right to privacy and being black is strong, yellow mellow and white is alright. Something to that effect. The keynote speaker was California Senator Jackie Speier, she was the only one who spoke about believing in your dreams ... blahblah and you will survive and yaddie yaddie. Other people to note was Neil Young the singer, i mean Dr. Neil Young now. Too bad he didn't play a song like Paul's graduation, who sang 'Puff The Magic Dragon.'

Thinking about graduation is a special time, the point in which true innocence (whats left of it) gets shattered into the real world. Where the complications of life really begin. Job Choices, Personal life Choices, Life Altering Decisions, Should i stay here, move about, what about my friends, and finally repaying student loans.. ahh yea.. Nothing says 'gimmie yo money' like those monthly statements.

After the graduation we all met up at the R&G lounge for Salt n Pepper Crab (Ultra Yumz), and an assorted lot of goodies. Fluffielady thinks she ate too much shellfish and is feeling it today. Jenny took a really good pic of me, Evan and fluffielady destroying those salt n pepper crabs. i need to get it from him, it's classic!

Today we cleaned up and got ready for some BBQ action at da haus. It was a beautiful clear day, lets hope it stays the same!

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