Saturday, July 01, 2006

There goes Roxanne trampling all over Saturday!
Happy Canada Day!
Picked up my special labeled Johnny Walker. All Johnny Walkers are known to be blended malt Scotch whiskeys. But the green label's label stated it's a single malt Scotch. Ooo! Anyhow Green Label was originally a special limited production but people liked it so much that its made in very small batches. Not as expensive as the Blue Label, $45 for a 1 liter is pretty good at the duty free! It's the same price range as the Gold Label. As for other goodies, Fluffielady won 2 Prints with 95$ of some of the events taken place. Then she wins another 500$ Painting without frame of course, but they are willing to frame n mount it for you for 265$!. This is the odd thing though, it comes with an appraisal but the appraisal states that it's worth 500$ if it's framed. So if we got the 265$ frame, and the painting is worth 500$ total framed, then the frame costs more than the painting! How does that work?? Since it is Canada Day the ship passed by a town shooting up the fireworks in it's celebration at 10:20pm. Woo!

Ooo yea...
Tidbit for u..
Canadians invented such spiffy things as: the zipper, the washing maching, and the pacemaker!
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