Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium
Number of Sudoku's from the book finished: 34 / 100 (i think, it's kinda hard to sudoku where i'm at this week)
Fluffielady just survived the last of her wisdom teeth being yanked out at Bakersfield. Poor fluffielady, shes on vicodins for a little bit. She says the right side is fine, the left isn't. =
Tech dada:
Last posting was about laptops. i LOVE the ultra-portables, carry it one hand, type with the other easily. The thinner and lighter the better. On the other end of the spectrum Acer just released a 20.1" Tank of a laptop, weighing in at 17.2 Pounds! At least it has antenna-in jack, so that you can actually watch TV.
Speaking of TV's heres a 46" (4:3) transparant film that can be applied to glass. It has special goodies in it that reflects video from a projector. The film also has sound with an embeded film material from SoundVu. The goodstuff cometh!

I own one of the ubiquitous blue nalgene bottles. I shoulda purchased a different color, but at the time it was all pastels, so i went with the standard blue. Well going camping and roaming the worksite, it seems everybody has one. So in order to make mine 'different' i labelled it the 'hyphy juice' from that silly rap song. Well they too exist along with the pimpjuice:

NapTime During Lunch: Medium
Number of Sudoku's from the book finished: 34 / 100 (i think, it's kinda hard to sudoku where i'm at this week)
Fluffielady just survived the last of her wisdom teeth being yanked out at Bakersfield. Poor fluffielady, shes on vicodins for a little bit. She says the right side is fine, the left isn't. =
Tech dada:
Last posting was about laptops. i LOVE the ultra-portables, carry it one hand, type with the other easily. The thinner and lighter the better. On the other end of the spectrum Acer just released a 20.1" Tank of a laptop, weighing in at 17.2 Pounds! At least it has antenna-in jack, so that you can actually watch TV.
Speaking of TV's heres a 46" (4:3) transparant film that can be applied to glass. It has special goodies in it that reflects video from a projector. The film also has sound with an embeded film material from SoundVu. The goodstuff cometh!

I own one of the ubiquitous blue nalgene bottles. I shoulda purchased a different color, but at the time it was all pastels, so i went with the standard blue. Well going camping and roaming the worksite, it seems everybody has one. So in order to make mine 'different' i labelled it the 'hyphy juice' from that silly rap song. Well they too exist along with the pimpjuice:

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