Sunday, August 06, 2006
Pancakes are getting fluffier!
Todays weather and what nots were pretty much the same compared to yesterday at Richmond. Clear Blue Sky, Zero Wind, Bright Sunny warm day, and today there were only a handful of shooters, 14, i think. Everybody else this weekend was doing the REAL stuff at Camp Perry, Ohio. It's the olympics of High Power shooting, all the grand masters, all the toys and gizmos, everything involving this sport will be massed there for the entire week. One day i might shoot over there.

Pics i stole online! haha. I am amazed to see what kinda madness it is shooting at the correct point! I *think* this is the 300 yard line.
Before we shot i asked if today could be my 'match' score and yesterday be 'practice' of course, i got shot down, oh well, i tried.
Todays (Practice)
200 Yard Slow Offhand: 183-2x
200 Yard Rapid Sitting: 96-1x
300 Yard Rapid Prone: 99-3x
600 Yard Slow Prone: 94-2x
Total: 472-8x (master score!)
After popping caps i met up with my coworkers and Capt'n D at the IPSC (SpeedBapBaping) range. They're all bugging me to join them in this new sport. Oi! As with new sports that usually equals $$. I guess i can go with what i got, but i still need a few trinkets to start the bapbaping. Ugh 200-300 rounds a match. Now they want some handmade bullets for their bapbaping as well. Man..
Todays weather and what nots were pretty much the same compared to yesterday at Richmond. Clear Blue Sky, Zero Wind, Bright Sunny warm day, and today there were only a handful of shooters, 14, i think. Everybody else this weekend was doing the REAL stuff at Camp Perry, Ohio. It's the olympics of High Power shooting, all the grand masters, all the toys and gizmos, everything involving this sport will be massed there for the entire week. One day i might shoot over there.

Pics i stole online! haha. I am amazed to see what kinda madness it is shooting at the correct point! I *think* this is the 300 yard line.
Before we shot i asked if today could be my 'match' score and yesterday be 'practice' of course, i got shot down, oh well, i tried.
Todays (Practice)
200 Yard Slow Offhand: 183-2x
200 Yard Rapid Sitting: 96-1x
300 Yard Rapid Prone: 99-3x
600 Yard Slow Prone: 94-2x
Total: 472-8x (master score!)
After popping caps i met up with my coworkers and Capt'n D at the IPSC (SpeedBapBaping) range. They're all bugging me to join them in this new sport. Oi! As with new sports that usually equals $$. I guess i can go with what i got, but i still need a few trinkets to start the bapbaping. Ugh 200-300 rounds a match. Now they want some handmade bullets for their bapbaping as well. Man..
Labels: High Power Rifle
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