
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Chillin in a typical San Francisco Summer Picnic:

A coworker of mine had a picnic party of sorts at the Zeum celebrating his sons 1-year birthday. With the fog and moderate to sometimes gusts of wind, it sometimes blew the food away. But it was cool, TONS of kids. I like the squishy ground stuff thats in the playground. What i don't get is that there are a few areas where fountains (if they work) drain their water into these patterns cut in the concrete but land onto the sand. Maybe they wanted a beach-like experience? Build Sand Castles?

Wanna ride? it's supposed to say: "One Coming Down!"

After, went home bought some groceries. Fluffielady is looking at some Laptops, but she always seems to have a taste for the 2800$ ones. Great!

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