
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .25 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Zero

Congratz to my brother and his new job.. OOooo! He's out of retirement and into the workforce now! Doodoo!

Whelp our old school panasonic CRT TV died a bit early for my taste but now we had to find a replacement. I was hoping that the tele could last at least till the black friday sales but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Fluffielady was having fits since she couldn't fade into sleepieland without the flicker and noise of the tele. She was actually watching TV late in the night in the oh so cold, cuz the upstairs wasn't working. So off to venture into the online world to find a suitable candidate.
Rules of Engagement are :
1) No 2nd tier brand. i.e. Maxent, vizio, envision, sceptre, etc.
2) 32" vs. 37" challenge
3) As cheap as possible while being the least of the best (my style of course)

Searched on the usual sites. Then i remembered that there were some coupons at costco for some TVs. Looked those up and found this one, the Samsung LN-T375H.

Now the costco website is a bit tricky. Sites like bestbuy.com , circuitcity.com have 'before savings' prices. So it'll show a TV for 1200$ but click on the add-to-cart and it'll show you the discounted price. Costco.com shows you the discounted price yet the title misleads: "$200 off samsung lcd etcetc. 37" $999.99" Sounds like it's $999.99 - $200= $799.99.. *Bzzt!* Wrong. It's the final price, of course when your looking for numbers and you see the title then you get all giddy thinking it's a steal of a deal. Then you get to Costco and the tag states: $1199.99 - $200= 999.99.. man.. weak.. We bought it anyway, figuring it can be returned and the coupon was to expire. So it sat in the living room friday night, saturday night, sunday night. By this point i looked around some more and couldn't find many that was priced at $1k. Also the few that could didn't have some specs of this model. So i decided what the heck and just do it. My brother happen to be over with jenny baking cookies for his first day at work (aww..). The hardest part was bringing the broken old TV downstairs.
The TV is nice, but it's quite big but a good kinda big in the bedroom. I bought an upconverting 1080p philips dvd player also at costco for 67$ and haven't installed it yet, but this should be fun! And as always complications have arisen, such as the HD reciever only works with 1 HD and 1 SD TV. so i'll need another HD reciever. Did an online chat with someone from dish network and oh they have a deal for me! For $149 i can get another reciever installed, then pay $6 a month to rent the sucker. Whydoiwannadodat? heck i see some new recievers on ebay for $120. Oi, slave to ebay..

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