
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .25 out of 10 (got to run around seeking suspects! Oooo)
Time During Lunch: Medium

freaking hell, i got rear ended again. I tell ya Delilah's bumper is pretty robust. So the story goes *insert wavy flashback transition*...
i get home from work and fluffielady is off teaching her dance thing at the rec center. I decide that i'm bringing my dual suspension to my parents house and pick up the 2 tents that i'll need for next weekend, also might as well get some groceries. i head to s.f., exit the ocean - geneva exit and on the intersection of Geneva and Howth theres this kid who is a few feet into the intersection looking down the hill to see if a bus is coming. He doesn't see a bus and decides to cross the street. Fine and dandy, so two other cars in front of me stop since this kid is acting silly anyways, so i stop as well. A lady in a white Toyota Camry that she just bought (used) recently was a bit aways from me heading at me. I guess she didn't notice that everybody stopped 'cuz i saw the look on her face a quarter second before the car is reaching out to touch me. She slams on the brakes and i think the hit was in the 5-10mph, sounded quite loud actually. Farging Great. Pulled over, looked at the bumper, it doesn't look that binged up. i was expecting to see a crushed bumper but theres nothing but a gangload of scrapes. i told her that my bumper's paint is newer than the rest of the car from a previous rear-ending with a similar story. Anyhow exchange info, blahblah, drove to my parents. Dropped off the goods, picked up the goods and went to Lucky's at Hickey. I tell ya i'm getting bored with Life, life cereal, 'cuz it's the only thing on sale. This time i went for some corn chex.
Got home, made some bay shrimp sandwiches and fluffielady returns from teaching.

My back feels kinda funny now, i guess it's craka-laka time tommorrow. I think Delilah looks fast in yellow, so fast that people don't notice that shes stopped until it's too late!

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