
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.65 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

I did have a dream today, its vague right now. I remember dirt, and driving, it might be from this PC game that i started playing called Just Cause. It's like grand theft auto style game with a sillyness to it, like perpetual parachuting and grappling hooks, which hook onto anything moving. First thing i hooked was a helicopter, use your imagination after that.
This week i am the transporter. And i have transported 3 out of 3 days so far.

I'm not liking any kind of weather predicting anymore. Every site is wrong, i think i'm being too detailed at what i want. The only thing that i'm hating now was the dopplar radar. Yesterday's radar before i left home showed this wall of water on the coast, with a little room thats coming in. I leave early but halfway to work it pours in buckets. Good thing i have gore-tex shoes.
Motorcycle Lesson #1: Pack Extra Socks, always.. Which i do.
Todays radar had rain in the city and the path that i'm going. Great, it's gonna be wet. I put on the rainpants and take off to no rain whatsoever. I also looked at the forecast. Each site gives a nifty percentage of probable precipitation at 3pm 70%, 4pm 60%. When 3pm came by, the sky was clear, roads mostly dry.
I've seen crap like 100% chance of showers and nothing happening (thus ruining a possible snowday.) Maybe it is happening, just not in my area in my zipcode maybe? I understand patches here and there, but when RADAR has it all lit up, wheres the rain?

Now playing: Leo King - Allemonde
via FoxyTunes

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