
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Man it's nice outside today. Zero wind and all sun and blue sky. Headed out to pop some caps. Normally i stay till around noon, then head off to eat or whatever, but I ended up doing a few practice (thats what i call it) bulls eye shoots. Two handed, twice with the 686 and once with the Glock17 with 8lb trigger. Real Bullseye is 1-handed, maybe next time. I also need to try some handloads on it as well. 25-yards is good to see how your skillz are.

1st time 279-4x, used Federal Match 148gr wadcutters, group was low and to the right 4 o'clock, i had to aim a touch high at 6 o'clock
2nd time 281-5x, used Federal Premium 147 hydra-shock +P+, 6 o'clock hold, group was slightly low at 6 o'clock.
3rd time 259-3x, using Federal 147gr HST 9mm ammo, group was to the right around 3o'clock. Not bad for a POS plastic sights bulging.

Left the range around 2pm and headed to the shack, since i need lunch for today and for tommorrows little exercise. The line was at the door!
Since i labored so long n what not i decided to pull out some good old stuff:

Looks like its straight out of the cellars next to the Chateau La'Tour 1906 Bordeaux Red wine doesn't it? It's not as old, only from the late 90's in my Fresno Days, probably in '97 from Costo, 12$ for a 24-pack case. Yep i still have a half dozen or so still, i found them in my garage a year ago and i decided to crack them open here n there. It tastes the same but 'smoother.' Kinda like my Emergency Cokes in Delilah, they taste like Mexican Coke, Mmmm smooth pure cane sugar!

Oh i forgot to mention that the outdoor that i post pics of here n there somehow broke / twisted / hyperextended his right leg. At first i thought he broke it, but after a few days, he gently puts weight on the foot when he wlaks, yet when he runs, he runs on 3's. Poor fuzzy kitty. There doesn't seem to be anything stuck on his paws and he can move it, as well as his shoulder, so it might be his elbow to forearm area thats messed up.

Now playing: Leo King - Prelude #1
via FoxyTunes

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