
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.25 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

The neat thing of netflix is i can create auxiliary accounts and with that i can set split dvd usage. Right now Fluffielady gets 2, while i get 1 total. Since being fried from daily video watching from college, i've now resorted to watching anime.
Anime is a funny thing, some cartoon come with hidden adult complexities. For children it's robots, transforming, lasers, missiles. For adults it's things like interracial (and interspecies) relationships (Robotech series), reason to exist, to belong (Ghost In The Shell). Alot of anime goes to the effect of 'love conquers all' (Escaflowne, Macross, Mai Hime). But the current line of anime that i'm on goes to the twisted, thats the latest style of japanese storylines. Usually it involves children in twisted situations.
I've finished one series called Elfin Lied, its quite gory with lots of blood n limbs flying. From what i understand it, its a group of girls who have been infected with a virus that gave super human powers, and the purpose of the virus is to take over the human race. A secret agency has a few of these girls and are experimenting on them, usually with torture of sorts. Anyhow one girl runs away but gets amnesia. To the government controlled entity, if a supposed super weapon runs away, it has to be 'taken care of'. Well the girl falls into the company of this guy and girl and are taken into their house. Both the runaway and the guy have suppressed memories of their childhood and slowly it comes back. Its a series about lost young love, hate, pain, and regret. It was ok, but the ending was too fast an too weird.
Now i'm on a series called Gunslinger Girl, and its these bionically created kids, controlled by some secret agency. The kids are used as assassin tools and its about being a child, yet, be professional killers. The kids are paired with 'big brothers', secret agents monitoring and supporting the children, but their awkward at raising them. Some of the agents see the youths as non-emotional weapons. Gunslinger Girl shows the emotional torture and wear on children and youthful desires. It also shows the different child raising styles of the 'big brothers' as well as the toll it takes on them.
Twisted, yet, interesting.


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