
Sunday, July 06, 2008

3000 months!

I found this Gas Mileage Calculator, on Edmunds.com, where it compares how long it takes if you replace your old car with a more efficient one. So since i don't use Delilah as much (Less than 100 miles a month) and if i do go for say a brand new prius. The time it takes for me to save enough fuel with the Prius to overtake Delilah, it'll be 252.9 years! I think because i don't drive much, it the formula doesn't work for me. Somehow Delilah is pretty efficient(?!) alot of other cars either aren't gas worthy to gain a benefit. Even the Smart car, Delilah comes out equal. So maybe Delilah will be my only car, ever?
My coworker on the other used to drive an Explorer from Oakley to SF (and then some, ~2500 miles a month!) and purchased a Camry Hybrid. The Calculator states he'll overtake the cost by 5.5 years. He says the gas he paid for the explorer is equal to the loan payment of his camry. And this was when gas was under 4$! Pretty cool..

In other news, i signed up for Facebook, another social site here we go!

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