
Thursday, October 16, 2008

(Blog Post Entered Sunday, Oct 19 2008)

Man today is a mad one. It started the night before around 7:30pm. Fluffielady was having semi-regular contractions (7-20min apart) and her back was starting to hurt. Every time a contraction was occuring, i started to rub her back. It started to get quite frequent around 11pm, about every 5minutes. When this happens its time to head to the hospital, but first you need to call the on-duty doctor if it's time. We called and she asked us some questions and one question was 'are the contractions so hard that you can't speak', fluffielady said sorta. The doctor told us that it was either early or false labor, but if we wanted to come in to be checked at the hospital then we could. So we did.
We took our time and got to the hospital at 11:30pm. We get admitted and the nurses checked fluffielady out. The first nurse had a puzzled look and had to get a second opinion. When the 2nd nurse checked she said that fluffielady was about 5-6cm dialated! The nurse had to get a second opinion because fluffielady wasn't going all crazy screaming in pain.
It comes and goes, fluffielady wanted drugs in increments. She never did like doctors that offer Oxycontin if she could just take aleve. So she gets a fentanyl and we nap for 1.5hrs. Around 3am it wears off and the pain is back. At this time my hand is started to go numb from all the back massaging.
At 4am it gets supremely bad, the nurse checks and fluffielady is 9cm. Fluffielady's body has the urge to push but the nurse tells us that its not ready. Fluffielady tries for a bit but after a while it got too painful. One last check and shes ready to go.
The first 45minutes it was 2 nurses instructing her how and when to push. Inbetween this i become part of the process when one of the nurses tries to contact the on-call doctor. This continues for another 30min. At the last 15 the doc comes and delivers, 2 minutes later another baby across from us was also delivered by the same doc.
All i can say is that it's quite impressive that a human body can change to hold another life. Then go through all that trauma, and expect to tend to it after? Thats mad!

The rest of the day was a blur, i think i got 8hrs of sleep in sessions. Fluffielady got way less plus the pains. Woo! Mini-Toast is here!

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