
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Stage 1, "Hang in there" Richmond Rod and Gun..

Finally decided to go pewpewpew. It's been since Jan 2008 since i've last done so.
The Weather was pretty clear and sunny in the mid-upper 70's. I met up with a few coworkers who have started shooting for a while. It used to be just me, Ed and Sugui. Now it's a few more regulars. Finally! One thing i've learned shooting ipsc, is that you need to bring food. A few years ago, there were about 30-50 shooters, now it's 50-80. Today was a decent 50+, therefore we'll be there until 2pm, at least.
I'm in the goober squad, which is a pack of 12 or so who've known each other here and there. With that rabble rousing comes at a quick pace. It's going to be a good day.
Mostly i shot pretty well considering that it's been a while running and pulling triggers. But since last year i've changed the front sight height as well as added the tungsten guide rail and now the Para shootings mostly where i want it to. Not exactly, just mostly.
The Good:
-Gun went bang
-Bullets mainly hit where they were supposed to go
-I did not have any 'no shoot' targets (those are bad point deductions)
-I had brought food and had barely enough water.
The Bad:
-We started at 10am, and did not finish until 3pm.
-Total trigger time: under 4 minutes. But it went ok since i was in the goober squad and the razzing neverended.
-My 3-year membership is almost up.. time flies eh?

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