
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The crew and i were hanging out at some glorious mansion and we headed to the backyard area just to check it all out. One section of the backyard was plotted like tennis courts with fences and what not, but it was on a side of a hill so playing tennis would be whacky. Anyhow, Sherwin goes throwing something in the air and it lands one 'tennis' court away, great. So Sherwin and myself decide to hop the fence and get whatever it was that he tossed (a hat or something). After hopping the fence i notice some antique items hidden in the tall grasses. I picked a few up and then felt that i need to repay or compensate for these items. At this time there were other people who hopped the fence from different directions and they too found these items. Well there was this glass jar looking thing with a liquid in it. One of the strangers decided to put in a few dollars, and it actually vanishes. I put in a 5 dollar bill but don't really know if that was enough. So we grabbed the hat and hopped over. The gang went back into the mansion and then i noticed a spirit sitting on a bench. I went to talk to the spirit and asked if i paid enough. The Spirit said 'a few dollars more would be nice.' So i open my wallet and noticed that i had 3 2-dollar bills which piqued my interest. I pulled them out and noticed that they looked like 2-dollar bills but were fake with advertising on the back. So i turn to the spirit and ask if these fake bills were ok. The spirit says ok, and i handed them to the spirit.
Then i wake up. Whats that about?


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