Monday, May 07, 2007
Looks like a layer of fog but it's glassy smoothness of a windless pacific ocean!
Level Of Difficulty at Work: .25 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium
Today i had a dream about being an Astronaut. Maybe it was from watching the Methane Rocket Video a bit too much.
Reloaded some .38's now it's to the .223s and i'm done for a while.
I'm starting to listen to podcasts instead of the usual online techno moozak when i reload. I found one about history and ramblings of San Francisco called One of the stories involved some dood who made himself wealthy but lost all his money on a speculative move. He comes back and declares himself Emperor Norton of San Francisco. The odd part was either people played along or was forced to play along and the dood had his way around town. Free meals, he printed his own money that stores accepted, he wrote his own laws and conversed with kings and queens of the world.
One rule deemed a heavy misdeameanor was a 25$ fine if the word Frisco was used.
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