
Wednesday, April 02, 2008


i dreamt that i was in somewhere like a hong kong outdoor market. I don't know why, but i was carrying a Springfield M1A Rifle, which i don't own. So it was me and someone else and we were walking around the area. Since i was carrying a rifle slung on my back, the second person thought it would be neat to remove the upper reciever (which a M1A does not have) to show that we're not going to zap anyone. So we stroll around and what not and we decide to leave. So i ask the other person, wheres the upper reciever? He gives me a dumb look and says you have it. No i wouldn't ask if i had it, would i? Then he says, oh it's over there and starts to head home. At first i was confused and then i called him back. Over where? Its an outdoor market, theres stalls everyway you look, people everywhere, where is it? He has no answer, i told him he better find it or he'll owe me $2000 to replace it. So we go back and half of the stalls have walled themselves and the people have gone to sleep. So we're peeking in and our of peoples homes now looking for this upper. Nothing, i get pissed off, start cussing at him and tell him that he owes me. At that time he pulls out a upper reciever for a ar-15, asking if this was the one. No it's not, its for a wrong firearm. More cussing ensues.
I awaken.


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