
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.15 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

This is something for the consumerist.com
Today was all fine and dandy till i get home. The phone is out, fluffielady tells me. So i try some troubleshooting, maybe bad wiring, something blew up, line outage maybe? It wasn't until i looked up my phone bill online that it states 'your telephone number does not exist, a work order or order or service may have occurred'.. Ookay, it had an order number made 5/23/08 and is 'in progress'. I call lovely AT&T and get this ghetto girl (i have the name on my other computer) that put me on hold, i get transfered to a Rebecca and she asks how can she help me, then blurts out a 1800 number and hangs up on me. Now this is getting wierd. I call again and get a Rachael from Texas and she was quite pleasant and nice, i ask her whats this work order that i never ordered and she says, oh, it's an order for disconnection of land line service. uh, say wha?
So who made and authorized this order, why comcast of course. uh, excuse me?
So flashback to 5/23/08, it was a nice friday afternoon/evening and i just got back home from work. There were two gentlemens walking around asking if we used to be comcast customers, i said yes, used to be. And he tries to price out what i have and if comcast can beat it. I told him the numbers and he tries to pitch this deal on me. He shows me neighbors order forms (is that confidential info? or what?) I told him to give me some flyers and i'll think about it. I didn't sign any papers, no handshake deal, no nada.
A week later, a technician calls fluffielady to schedule an appointment for service. Fluffielady tells them to go away, we never ordered anything from comcast. They call a few more times and we haven't heard from them since.
Today we learned that we were 'slammed' by comcast. Having phone service changed without our consent. I see it has fraud, i look up the Better Business Bureau and PUC and nada. All i see from the web are tips on how to prevent slamming. There doesn't seem to be any consequence for this, if the owner catches this in the first 30 days, they don't need to pay for services. If its after 30 and owner pays then the slammer company is to pay back both the owner as well as the originiating provider. Thats it.
Well we have no landline till the 16th of june. the really strange part is, my DSL still works. DSL requires a landline to operate. WhatsGoingOn?

As for the new iphone, i was really diggin it until i heard that the new data plan for it is 30$ extra a month. Talk about $$$!!! Now what do i do?


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