
Monday, October 31, 2005


Lets see..
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10 then 1 out of 10 (8hr OT ugh!)
NapTime During Lunch: 28min then 40..

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 33min.

So Today I: feel like a zombie, which worked out pretty well for halloween!
Fluffielady and i dispensed our concentrated high-fructose corn syrup'd candies upon the kiddies. There weren't that many, probably 'cuz it's a school night.
My brothers playing around with the idea of linux in an old k6-2 550. i just zapped Fluffielady's k6-2 300. i wonder if i should do the same. i doubt it'll run win2k.
Wot to do, and what version of linux to put in. oi! research time.
Happy Halloween everybody!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Alison n Eddie Ng

Woot! Today an old old buddy of mine Eddie Ng ties the knot! It's one of those stories where high school buddies from the motherland comes over to the US and have kids around the same time. Eddie, Jerry (who got married 2 months ago) and my parents hung out all the time in my younger years. After middle school Eddie went to Galileo and then onward to Davis, never to be heard from again. My parents would tell me tidbits of whats happening with him n wot not. From my memories the earliest i remember whas when i was 3 and going to Canada, i dunno what car my parents had but Eddie's parents were in a White Toyota Celica. i remember seeing a fireworks show (i'm guessing in canada) and eddie was crying from all the explosions. he was 2 or just turned 3. Thats the only memory of my earliest childhood.
Afterwards i remember the only bbq me and my parents had in the backyard, it was my birthday and jerry and eddie were there. He's a pretty cool friend to have. Then he vanished, he called about a year and a half ago and the three of us were to meet, but he never called back. Silly boy, anyhow, he went to my wedding, then to jerry's and now his own.. the 3 amigo's in a year all married, wow what 1 year can do to you eh?

The wedding was pretty cool, eddie found a church crew to hang out with in davis and thats where he met his wife Alison. He works as the program assistant to international students at UC davis. He's like the welcome to the USA dood, and sorta mentors international students. Alison also works at UC davis doing some administration thing, i forgot. anyhow the ceremony was about 45minutes. and it was off to the lunch banquet(?) in Sacramento.

Seriously.. Are we there yet???

No, it wasn't in Ocean City, MD (Google maps says it'll take 1 day, 18 hours??!!). I've never been to a chinese banquet at noontime. The food was ok, but since this is a church gathering there was alot of multimedia events done by the fellowship. Lots of singing, one slide show and a video. The one thing that was pointed out was that Eddie sleeps with his eyes open.. yes that sounds wierd, but i vaguely remember him in his early years sleeping with his eyes open, or at least one. i thought it was weird, i guess the habit never went away? Thats probably why all my pics with him, his eyes are closed!!!
Congrats Alison n Eddie! woot!

After the wedding it was 2:30pm.. off to the Vacaville outlets! It's big but not much sales action (for halloween?) going on. Theres a burberry outlet, which had nothing on sale, a restoration hardware outlet which actually had marred and dinged stuff, and the usual slew of other stores. Coach, Banana Republic, Gap, etc. The killer one was the illuminations, i stepped 5 ft in and was overwhelmed by a menagerie of scents, they might as well hit me with pepper spray. So, Today i: got knocked out coughing at the illuminations! Fluffilady and my brother held on till they got halfway and ran out as well. Can you say, ventilation please??
Got home about 7:30. and now its nini time then off to work (beh)!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: zero

Today i: blazed it up.
Whelp 3 outta 4 times qualifying (1st time i got a 94) that i made it 95% and above. i wanted the extreme weather to arrive, but it never did, instead it was sunny and clear.. bah!
100% baby..

tommorrows i don't think i'm going to summon the ebay tux for my buddy's wedding, it's a noontime affair.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Today i: waxed delilah, cleaned a bit, went to Eric's (haven't been there in ages), and watched a bit of Purepwnage.com, my brother told me about this site. it's these canadian computer gamers who have computer games seriously straight in the brain. Episodes 4+ are the better ones. I'm halfway in between the gamer world, there is other things to life other than gaming.. Like, building a computer or going to tech deal sites to find cheaper parts for the computer! =p heh

oh and here goes the 180 degree moto rotating.. Bri n i saw his buddy rotate his r6 at work and i never could figure out how to do it.. and while i was in motojava with my buddy Andrew, i asked and was shown the way. i practiced a lil and got it!

Why am i in my jammies? i'm always in them. now shoo..

Monday, October 24, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 3 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 43min

Today i: can do the 180degree moto twist. i'll put up an animated gif one day.

Fluffielady is getting tired and worn down due to her mentally retarded students who have SERIOUS no common sense.. And this is the future that we are faced with.. Excellent, all i know is where i work.. it's open 24/7, come on in!! She asks the kids to write in cursive.. some kids don't even know how to do that, so they figure they'd type it, in cursive script font. haha Her best moment was when she tells all the students to take out a piece of paper to jot down their homework. The kids ask, what kind of paper, or if it should be printed or in cursive.. help us all! My job is secure for as long as i'm there!! woohoo!
i think everybody should vote for that initiative against the teachers, merit pay and all that. Once that passes public school will be no more. It's already turned into a daycare, just pass them up the grades, whatever. The parents don't wanna discipline or care for them, the teachers should be doing all that. It takes forever and a half to get the proper certification and every year it's a different standard, but hey everybody wants to spend years of their lives to obtain their educational certificate to get paid $38k a year and get yelled at by parents and teach substandard kids who can't write properly?? Sounds good to me!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (1.5hrs OT)
NapTime During Lunch: 32min (was supposed to be 37min)

Sorry that i haven't posted in a while. let's see.. i had 3 vivid dreams in three days in which i don't remember any of them anymore (whats new). My days off are skewed over to tuesday / wednesday which sucks 'cuz it throws everything off.. i.e. days off in relation to garbage days. it blows. work is work, i'm now learning the hartier stuff.

Watched The Motorcycle Diaries, which is a movie about 2 argentinians who wanted to do a 8000km (5000mile) trip from the south of south america to the northern part of south america. It was to be done on the fly with little money and on a motorcycle. At first it was thought of as an adventure, see beautiful things, meet girls, go places, lala.. After halfway through the motorcycle dies, they run out of money and they see alot of injustice and poor people roaming the country. So they lie, steal, cheat their way up north and eventually get up there. At first you wonder what is this movie about? Then it's a movie about 'Che' Guevara and his pal who in the 1950's did go on this motorcycle journey and saw things they weren't ready to see. Che Guevara eventually becomes one of Cuba's revolutionist fighting for the lower class.. ala marxism. The scenery is pretty and the way it's done was alright. i just wished those two fools woulda learned how to ride a motorcycle a bit better, they were scrubbing left n right!

In tech news, i remember when the Kodak DC-14n came out, at a price of 5000$. Afterwards there was a japanese made the 28megapixel sensor.. Now kodak is back at it with 2 high MP sensors.. one at 31.6 and the other at 39megapixel.. whoa mama!

i'm super slowly building my next computer.. i found this nice little CPU case made of Cardboard! nifty as it may, it sells for 9800 yen which comes out to $84.50!!? is that right? for that price i think i'll stick with my current choice, the Antec P180, for 90$ on sale (whenever that is)..

Speaking of Whoa mama's.. Tis Carols birthday woot! Pass the Patron!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 17min

Today i: find out that my favorite cereal, Kix, is the first extruded cereal. i.e. think pasta machined.. before kix, cereals were just flakes or puffed (rice krispies..). After kix, such shaped cereals were possible starting with alpha bits..

Watched Sideways, it's a good movie, but one of it's pretenses is wrong. It's about two guys from san diego go to the central coast winerys, a week before the wedding for some bachelor fun.. #1) 2 people doesn't equal bachelor partying. #2) They go here, there, everywhere for wine tasting. What kinda adventure is this? It comes down to the two guys. The best man is the sad, depressed,loser divorcee that is the wine specialist and writer. The groom is this experience life, live for the moment actor. Of course all he does is look at the women and try to get with them all. Silly shenanigans happen, things get twisted and events happen.
i remember when this movie came out, and all of a sudden sales of Pinot Noir wine went up the roof. i should go get a bottle of that.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Today i: wonder if a squirrel has the right of way as it bounds across the street in front of my car. It was hiding behind a wheel of a parked car too. Silly fluffietailed thing!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hmmz, i feel like going back to school again..

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 5.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Zero

Today I: got out of work early and right when i'm scheduled to leave all hell breaks loose! But i get out early and fluffielady, her parents and i floated off to Half Moon Bay. A sorta pre-emptive strike before the Pumpkin festival thats happening next weekend (Oct 15-16). We went off to Arata's Pumpkin farm. It's south of Half moon bay and it's huge! with a straw bail maze and pumpkins of all sorts. Afterwards i remembered a place in the city that sold pumpkin ice cream.. Mmmm, tastes like frozen pie.. i might venture off into making a version myself. As we were roaming about i saw the sweatshirt logo and wondered why Pacifica didn't have such a thing. Pacifica does have the Fog Festival, it should have Fogg U too. Hmmz, Fogg U, Straw Bails. i guess this is the place to master underwater straw basketweaving, or surfing while basketweaving.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 31min

Today i: would like to congratulate the Stanford University DARPA grand challenge winners! Last years DARPA challenge was outright silly. It's mission is to construct and build a vehicle that drives on it's own through a predetermined path. Last year most vehicles went 200 yards and zoinked. This time 4 vehicles made it through the 132mile desert run. Starting at Primm, Nevada (pretty cool place) and doing a fat loop into the hills and back, the Stanford team beat two other teams by 4 and 10 minutes, both being Humvees from last year. The 4th vehicle is a Ford Escape Hybrid. This is cool, sooner or later we'll have true autopilots in our cars.. woot!

In other news.. these are kinda sweet, but if you dance with these on, it'll be total strobe light action!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.0 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

Todays post is brought to you by:

i'm gonna add another little tidbit to my posts.. every post is gonna have the phrase "Today I:" and finish it.. let's see how interesting this gets..

Today I: found out that all this involuntary overtime is a result of several supervisors not doing their job in being diligent in informing those who want to work OT instead of drafting and causing disparagement amongst the worker bees.

Today as everybody changes and walks out the door, our lovely supervisor realizes that one more worker bee needs to be kept for the next watch. So here you are dressed to leave, already thinking about anything but work and your dragged back. That is what i call.. WEAK! Fortunately i was hit yesterday and was moved to the bottom of the list, but still, get shafted as your on your way out. Lordy! Today it was known at the beginning of the shift that swings needed 2 people. what happened? nothing, till the 2:58pm draft.

This is that part of civic duty where nobody cares and 'eh, it happens it happens'. It also shows your level as a supervisor towards everybody else. When i first started i never was near supervisors, heck to hide from them the better. Then you realize when you have a good one vs. a bad one. It's the little things, some from knowledge and some from experience.
One supervisor tells an injured coworker (on a weekend) to go to San Francisco General hospital, sure it's the 'standard' thing to do. But another supervisor at another place with both the know how and experience tells the injured coworker to go to Davies Medical center in an unmarked vehicle. it's smaller, less people, faster care. Both were right but the little things that move one to another. Thats why people want out of where i'm working. i wonder if i should too bail and head to the hills, it is only a 8minute bicycle ride away.

Oh and i'll put another "Today i:"
Today i: am quite hydrated.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.0 out of 10 (1hr OT)
NapTime During Lunch: 48min!!! coulda been 50.. but oh well.

I'm gonna take out some links to some of the crew. alot of them have 'hidden' blogs, so i will leave it as that, hidden..

Why do people tattoo their faces? I was tasked to escort one of my clients to the hospital. At first i only saw the copy of the card and i thought someone was drawing the usual facial stuff on the picture.. (Goat Tee, Mustache, devil horns, etc..) it comes out that this client had tattoos all over her face! It was shaped like a mask. You know, if your a loser, you could mope around, do nothing, hide.. but if you wanna be one who stands out, please, tattoo your face. I thought my other client with a tattoo of his name on his forhead was a bit whacked. Maybe he's homeless and wanted to be ID'd when they find the body? Why do these people even live?
i think my idea of 'the pit' will become reality soon. Given the way the savagery and the decline of morals / good stuff / iq has been going (due to the stupid people > smart people reproduction ratio). The pit will raise money for cities. It's inevitable, there are sooo many criminals locked up that the upkeep costs are astronomical! Every tax payer is paying storage fees for these criminals and they don't care, heck they love and enjoy the services offered to them for free. i would love it if we could plug these people into the matrix and at least have some use for them. But that's too costly to build. Too bad, i wish there was a way to use these bodies. hmmz..

Monday, October 03, 2005


But first.. Saturday morning, i venture off to my high power match to come to find out that it has been cancelled. They are doing construction at the 200 yard range, turning it into a semi-indoor area where the blast noise is funneled towards the targets. They coulda informed me. I was all psyched out in reaching master class. Bah! Hopefully next month it's all fixed up..


So we begin the partying for Roxannes Birthday. The gang met up at Straw Hat Pizza and had a blast at the reserved room. Time flew though, off to Seabowl!

Paul always has to match. Balls to shoes..

There goes paul again.. Christina's got a few more pics worth posting.. heh

Dad v. Moms

We come to find that the two best bowlers are Roxannes Parents. They did pretty good for not having bowled in a while.
We played two games and ventured home. Hung out for a bit and slept sorta late. I missed the 3-gun at Chabot though, it's ok, this shooting weekend didn't work out for me. it all went to the birthday girl!! We've gotta do this bowling thing a bit more, i dunno though, sometimes i see that one pin left standing and i wanna blast it with my pistol.. it's a reflex thing.

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