
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Walk the line..

Todays weather seemed to be highly anticipated because EVERYBODY was out doing outdoorsy things in the neighborhood, including us. Fluffielady calls it a spring cleaning day. She bought a bunch of plants to pot and weeds to de-weed. I power-washed most of the windows, the rav4 and ventured to the roof. Now since i've been under the house, time to go above the house. Too bad it was party cloudy n what not. While up top there was a chimney top just laying on the side next to the chimney all rusted n crap, off to the garbage that goes. I wonder how hard is it to install another one.
Also my neighbor and i are conspiring to figure out how to paint my rusty flagpole. This is gonna be interesting. Other than that and some laundry thats about all i did today.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .75 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

Lookie what i got in the Mail.. ahh yea!

Today i had 2 dreams:
1) I'm playing cards but the cards that i play come to life and become fighters depending on their number and those guys fought my opponents cards in hand to hand combat..
2) Somehow i felt the need to cook, so i get out of bed and flip over one side of the covers and there were stove burners right there. So i turned on the flame and started cooking.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

I had some vivid dreams but i don't remember any of it.

i've figured it out, how to fix the world in 2 easy steps.
1) This whole dang war thing is getting silly. Since it's all about Democracy, why doesn't the Iraqis vote for it. If they vote that the US bails then the President saves face saying whelp we tried and they voted, so off we go. And then the Democrats would be happy as well 'cuz well the war stopped. Lately theres too much spin on everything, can't the whole world just all get along?
2) Play the Sound of Music on TV again.. Where did the wholesome family values go?

Trials Bike Anyone?

Name of the game is not to put your foot on the ground while going through the course. Of course this guy is just practicing. If you can walk or stand on it, so can the trial bike specialist. i wanna do this..


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Short

Via Technologies comes out with their smallest Form Factor Motherboard using their C3 1ghz chip called the Pico-ITX.

The actual motherboard is smaller than the CD it's sitting on! It's as small as a 2.5" laptop harddrive. i thought Nano-ITX was small, people were making pc's out of a Soccer Ball and the one size higher the Mini-ITX toasters and Attache Case with LCD monitor, thus making it a laptop of sorts.
Smaller and smaller baby! woot!

And now for something that'll make your heart leap up into your throat. I wish i was up there in Canada riding one of these in my prime days of mountain biking.

The stories go that up in British Columbia on the North Shore are these daredevils who like to mountain bike. But then the county of sorts decides that mountain bike trails are too damaging to the environment. So these guys said ok, we'll BUILD the trails ABOVE the trails and you see there is some of the teeny tiny wooden bridges that are 4 tire widths wide. It takes alot of hard work, planning, blood sweat and tears to create a run like that. And if the rangers take down the run, they've gotta rebuild somewhere else.. again..
I do love good singletrack, technicals too.. But those jumps are slightly sketchy..

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

I've been yelping on Skii resorts that i've been to, and i just checked Northstar's Summer rates for mountain biking. 39$ for a lift ticket?!! and 55$ for a bicycle rental? 75$ for the demo bike??? Dang what is going on there! Back in the day it was $16, then $21 and rentals were $25 and $45 for the demo. This place is starting to get a bit whack for me to go to. Even a Full face helmet rental there is 20$?! And a summer season pass is $229! Their clients must bleed money, in that case i should be around for some bloodmoney. Woo!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Woot! The webcam is back, it seems that the webcam's sensors won't go higher than 640x480, and the latest webcams are only 1.3megapixel. Oi, i just want to show the horizon. If i find a deal on another one i might spring for it.

Yesterday hung out with fluffielady's cousin whos visiting for the past few days on an educational seminar. We picked her up at the cannery and ventured to the Hyde Street Seafood house. Shes really into art restoration and living it up in New York. Afterwards we just roamed about town and showed her some sights. The seminar has student housing at the Presidio right off the good old parade grounds. So we generally just hung out in the northern part of da city. Maybe when she visits again we'll roam some more.

Lets see, this weekend is gonna be another chill weekend. Hopefully..

Friday, April 20, 2007

Todays Dream:
Fluffielady and i were at my friends old apartment at Taylor and Columbus visiting him. Even though nowadays he lives in davis and i haven't seen him since his wedding last year we were there. Originally it was just the two of us waiting at an Elevator (which there is none in the real building and he originally lived on the 1st floor). The elevator comes and by then there was a gang of people waiting as well. We all get in and then the elevator just sits and opens the door again, how odd? Then the elevator sits some more and all of a sudden it connects to the cable car line on Columbus street which was fairly accurate in detail. Now we're riding around and i ask fluffielady, 'i guess we're taking the long way..' Then i wake up.

Now i remember Monday and tuesdays but not as much for tuesday. Both involved playing video games (!?).
I was playing Street fighter two but i had to fight to computer characters instead of one, and when i did win, i had to play another round! I was ken/ryu, and my Street fighter skills weren't up to par.
I was playing some kinda car racing game, like Grand Tourismo, but thats all i remembered.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .3 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

Flickr using EXIF information compiles a list of top brand and model digital cameras. It shows the most popular of the DSLR and Point and Shoot Cameras. Kinda neat, too bad my SD450 is taking a hit. EXIF data is information that your digital camera embeds into the jpg file as to what make, model, settings, date and time, flash, blahblah.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sorry been away for the weekend. Down to bakersfield again, wee. Fluffielady had a jewelry home showing and i went on to a 30-06 weekend. I also had a S&W to tune and got it decent. I coulda done it a bit more tweaking but my customer was satisfied with it.

.65" 3-shot group @ 100 yards, not bad for a rifle made in 1929. Last time i was busting about a 1.5-2" group, but this time with my sinclair OAL gauge measured the full length of my 1903 chamber to be 3.41". I had a variety from 3.402", 3.405" and 3.408" and 3.405 seemed to do the trick. But by then my shoulder was kinda feeling it. There were quite a bit of peoples at the range, and there was a school benefit shotgun gathering. We found it kinda strange for a school to sponsor such an event but then it is bakersfield. Pro-gun woot!
Now back home i found some issues with my '06 cartridges, hopefully i can figure it all out.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .75 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

Since i never had slick tires, i never thought about:

i think i can do this, i might just try one day. heh.

Loaded up some 30-06 for research. Big bore time!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Yesterday did nothing except:
Brought the M1 Garand into separate states of being:

The two top right pieces are the firing pin, top is new (to me) and bottom is the dead one. Yesterday, the pin came in the mail and i ventured to see how hard it was to replace the firing pin. Thanks to the Civilian Marksmanship website, it has exactly what to do in picture form. I remembered seeing another page on simple things to do to work the action better, but can't seem to find it anymore. Oh well, then just replaced the pin and put it back together. Another day for the action job i guess.

Sunny, clear, warm. Good day to shoot today. It was soo good that there were only 9 shooters today.
My goal was to try for a high master score. hah!
200 Yard Slow Offhand: 190-6x (highest offhand yet)
200 Yard Rapid Sitting: 95-1x
300 Yard Rapid Prone: 99
600 Yard Slow Prone: 94-2x
Total: 478-9x

My offhand was pretty excellent, until the last two shots, which were an 8 and a 7! After that it sorta slid downhill. Somehow my rapid sitting jammed on the last shot. On the Rapid Prone, my natural point of aim was off, but i shot so well that the group was planted right in the 10 ring with one shot slightly off to the 9, best group i've ever seen. It was probably a slight rectangle box 1.5inch wide, 2 inches tall. I shoulda kept the target, it woulda been better if the 9 wasn't there. Then my slow prone felt funny, the sling was grabbing my skin, it never felt right. Well since i haven't handled the rifle since last month what do u expect? Still the score is in the solid middle of the master class now. So i'm content with that. MORE! i want MORE!!

Came home to Easter Lunch. Yum, Now i'm cleaning another rifle. cleancleanclean.

Oh i can't leave you without some badass video from japan's Cosplay event. The COStume PLAY event, where the anime crazed people of japan play dress up and meet at a convention center. You'll have your Final Fantasy Characters, Gundam Characters, whatevers your flavor anime characters. But these guys are the best!:

Theres no sound on this video, but just add that transformers sound and it'll be perfect! Screw the 3d animated stuff, this is the real deal!

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

Added the yelp bar on my side, i'm trying some scaling towards the sidebar scale but it didn't seem like it'll work. Bah! Looks like i'm gonna start yelping, if i remember the places i've been.

Happy Birthday New York Taxi! They turn 100, and in it's honor:
Introducing the Skyscraper Taxi...

1)How much is this special edition 9-ft tall cab with 30" spinners per 1/4 mile?
2)How do you get up into the cab?
At least the view is nice when stuck in all that traffic.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Medium

Woot! The Acura parked in front of my house moved! Either 1) dood went to show off his car, 2) dood read my blog, or 3) dood noticed that the car is blocking my view (yeah right) and parked it across the street. So now it sorta blocks my view, just not as annoying with it's sign in my face. But if he's reading this, thanks for moving your car.

I guess my blog is so old that there are new templates and personalizations that are easier than what i have on my blog. I played with those settings and didn't like it's semi-limited system. But then my jillion lines of code, in which i have no idea what it does isn't a party either! So i'll leave it alone for now. At least i got the top bar silver (Oooo!)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

i really don't understand why people do this. I AM NOT INTERESTED!

Of all places to park...

Anybody want an Acura for $4700? I know i have a beautiful view when the weather is right. But everybody whos been near my house the street is pretty empty and people can park their for sale items ANYWHERE. Why do i get this lovely view of a POS car in front of my window? It's the second time this has happened. Last time was this dood selling a red and white van. Fluffielady sees the guy, asks him nicely to move it. The guy says it doesn't run well. A few days later he's driving the van up and down the hill. Sounds like it's running good, unlike the white van down the hill where the hood is secured by a rope!

In other complaints:
Fluffielady recieved an email from a parent stating that her taxes pay her salary!! Ok, lets see, Prop. 13 states that homeowners pay 1% of the property. It states that there is a cap of 2% per year in reevaluating the property's worth. So every year people pay 2% more a year. Fluffielady hasn't had a raise in 2 years. So wheres her raise Ms. pay your salary? And we're not even counting income taxes!


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