Sunday, January 30, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 28min (had to go on ebay for something)
Didn't win the ebay item.. bah!
Anyhow went to Vicks and played a bit of poker.. 1st game i was doing well, real well but bri slowly gobbled it all up.. Cards went to doodoo.. 2nd game blew, my mojo ran out. oh well.
got my pillow back yay!
I think my coworker is starting to have the snowboard itch. Board meeting soon!
NapTime During Lunch: 28min (had to go on ebay for something)
Didn't win the ebay item.. bah!
Anyhow went to Vicks and played a bit of poker.. 1st game i was doing well, real well but bri slowly gobbled it all up.. Cards went to doodoo.. 2nd game blew, my mojo ran out. oh well.
got my pillow back yay!
I think my coworker is starting to have the snowboard itch. Board meeting soon!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 18min
Floated to my old bicycle hangout Supergo, since they have a new store in Mountain View. I've stopped by the new store before and this time i go with a purpose: Road tires, a shorter stem, inner tubes. Well they didn't have the road tires that i wanted. I got this carbon fiber stem for 25$, pretty good deal. My old stem's 100 or 110 mm long and it was a flipped over mountain bike one. The latter part doesn't matter, but the length was a bit too long. So i got this 60mm carbon fiber one. I also picked up a Carbon Fiber Seatpost.. I'm gonna carbon fiber the bike out.. the last thing i'll get would be a cheap carbon fiber fork. If there is such one out there. Got a patch kit and floated off to Fry's which was 3miles or so away. I get there and theres only 2 pages of ads posted.. I didn't feel like i needed anything so i left.. Thats right i went to Fry's and i didn't step inside.. I couldn't carry anything big in my backpack anyways.
So bicycle was 380.. add another 56$ for now.. i'll probably order the tires online, and a wireless computer.. that's gonna be another 60$.. So for now project X01 is at 436$
So the training begins, i think i'll ride with the stock stuff and then about 3 weeks before the race i'll stick the supergear on, and ride that puppy. The X01 weighs 21 Pounds right now. The bikes trick as is it.
NapTime During Lunch: 18min
Floated to my old bicycle hangout Supergo, since they have a new store in Mountain View. I've stopped by the new store before and this time i go with a purpose: Road tires, a shorter stem, inner tubes. Well they didn't have the road tires that i wanted. I got this carbon fiber stem for 25$, pretty good deal. My old stem's 100 or 110 mm long and it was a flipped over mountain bike one. The latter part doesn't matter, but the length was a bit too long. So i got this 60mm carbon fiber one. I also picked up a Carbon Fiber Seatpost.. I'm gonna carbon fiber the bike out.. the last thing i'll get would be a cheap carbon fiber fork. If there is such one out there. Got a patch kit and floated off to Fry's which was 3miles or so away. I get there and theres only 2 pages of ads posted.. I didn't feel like i needed anything so i left.. Thats right i went to Fry's and i didn't step inside.. I couldn't carry anything big in my backpack anyways.
So bicycle was 380.. add another 56$ for now.. i'll probably order the tires online, and a wireless computer.. that's gonna be another 60$.. So for now project X01 is at 436$
So the training begins, i think i'll ride with the stock stuff and then about 3 weeks before the race i'll stick the supergear on, and ride that puppy. The X01 weighs 21 Pounds right now. The bikes trick as is it.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Yesterday Blasted Gats with my brother and my boarder bro Alton. I forgot to ask but it seems his foot is doing fine. We were at the range shooting and this guy comes in with a HK Mk23.. Capt'n D's got a mk23, but this guy had the original kit that was sold in the US. The kit came with camo case and a fake silencer, which was just a pipe, but it screwed onto the threaded barrel. The guy also had a laser mounted on the thing! It was a bit heavy, i shot it a few with the 'silencer' but couldn't see where my shots were going, i'm thinking down and to the right. The silencer prevented the pistol from cycling but thats the pipe version, the real one he says weighs alot less and the pistol cycles all well, it was made on purpose like that.
Fluffielady yesterday was at her worse yesterday. Poor thing. =(
Today shes alot better, and the weekend is coming so, it should be all good for her.
Today i also had a dream where i was doing something and i remembered that i forgot to call in sick.. Dreams like that can get you all confuzzled when you wake up.. Did i call in sick? Is this my day off? whats going on?? heh
So let me get this straight.. if you lived in san francisco, you won't be able to smoke at a restaurant, or a park. You'll need a proper Dog house and everything that comes with it. You'll hafta pay 17cents per paper or plastic bag you buy in a grocery. You won't be able to buy guns and you'll hafta give them up *if* the law passes. But You can have a gay marriage And Smoke pot if it's perscribed to you.. I think from now on, it's ok to be bass ackwards. Polarities must have shifted, bad does mean good and good well.. Doing good has now gone to the wayside.. Merinol Anyone? Yall know what Delta-9-THC is right? heh
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Yesterday Blasted Gats with my brother and my boarder bro Alton. I forgot to ask but it seems his foot is doing fine. We were at the range shooting and this guy comes in with a HK Mk23.. Capt'n D's got a mk23, but this guy had the original kit that was sold in the US. The kit came with camo case and a fake silencer, which was just a pipe, but it screwed onto the threaded barrel. The guy also had a laser mounted on the thing! It was a bit heavy, i shot it a few with the 'silencer' but couldn't see where my shots were going, i'm thinking down and to the right. The silencer prevented the pistol from cycling but thats the pipe version, the real one he says weighs alot less and the pistol cycles all well, it was made on purpose like that.
Fluffielady yesterday was at her worse yesterday. Poor thing. =(
Today shes alot better, and the weekend is coming so, it should be all good for her.
Today i also had a dream where i was doing something and i remembered that i forgot to call in sick.. Dreams like that can get you all confuzzled when you wake up.. Did i call in sick? Is this my day off? whats going on?? heh
So let me get this straight.. if you lived in san francisco, you won't be able to smoke at a restaurant, or a park. You'll need a proper Dog house and everything that comes with it. You'll hafta pay 17cents per paper or plastic bag you buy in a grocery. You won't be able to buy guns and you'll hafta give them up *if* the law passes. But You can have a gay marriage And Smoke pot if it's perscribed to you.. I think from now on, it's ok to be bass ackwards. Polarities must have shifted, bad does mean good and good well.. Doing good has now gone to the wayside.. Merinol Anyone? Yall know what Delta-9-THC is right? heh
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Could i be anymore a househusband?
Yay my last x-mas gift finally arrives! We edited the order to include exclamation marks but it never went though.. *boo!* Finally, Chateau Le Toast is open for business..
Cleaned up around the house today. I haven't been to costco in a while and stocked up on a whole lotta things. The fridge and pantry are all full, i think we're gonna be ok for a while. Also this morning the Dishwasher was acting funny, it didn't seem to drain. I thought something was stuck but i got to draining it manually. I thought the drain pump was messed up but i ran another cycle and it seemed to work. It made some funny noises in the beginning but now it seems all is well.. i think something stopped something from happening and now that thing is all broken up, hopefully.. If not it's time to bust our home warranty that we still have..
Hooked up a coworker with a limited 30% off dell coupon, he's pretty stoked getting a 1600+$ computer for 1200 shipped.. That was his price range. Now to hook a second coworker with something in the 600$ range with flat panel, and dvd burners...
Fluffielady got my Sars and had the worst of it today, she called in sick and had to be tended to. Awww poor fluffielady.. =
Oh ya, by the way, Finally, after 35 years of waiting. Finally has Chapter 11 finished.. It sucks when a silly little cartoon gets stuck in the middle when the monies vanish.. Only one chapter left.. It's gonna get violent!(Not that this hasn't already)
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: .5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 34min
Always learning new things..
Theres a new phenomena in the subculture where i work in. For every normal person theres Mothers day, which is once a year. Well in the ghetto it's celebrated twice a month.. Called 'Baby's Momma's Day'.. it just happens to occur the same time the welfare checks arrive! isn't that soo cool! it's not mothers day.. it's mommas day!! Lets celebrate!
I rode my new bike out n about. I think the stem is a bit too long, or i should learn to stretch more.. one or the other, but it's quite a fun ride. Especially when i'm trying to figure out if the right brake does the front or back.. But i rode to the San Bruno jail and it took me a whole 8 minutes, 12 minutes back. Man i'm outta shape! i need to get my ride on! The first thing i need though is road tires, a possibily a speedo. Woot!
NapTime During Lunch: 34min
Always learning new things..
Theres a new phenomena in the subculture where i work in. For every normal person theres Mothers day, which is once a year. Well in the ghetto it's celebrated twice a month.. Called 'Baby's Momma's Day'.. it just happens to occur the same time the welfare checks arrive! isn't that soo cool! it's not mothers day.. it's mommas day!! Lets celebrate!
I rode my new bike out n about. I think the stem is a bit too long, or i should learn to stretch more.. one or the other, but it's quite a fun ride. Especially when i'm trying to figure out if the right brake does the front or back.. But i rode to the San Bruno jail and it took me a whole 8 minutes, 12 minutes back. Man i'm outta shape! i need to get my ride on! The first thing i need though is road tires, a possibily a speedo. Woot!
Friday, January 21, 2005
Ahh yea more quizes..
I scored a 90 before.. i was KINGNerd!
Man that sucks! We'll see what happens when nanotechnology begins!
My weather test shows that i score an 80..
Today i'm feeling like slush. The left side of my body where i took a big hit on tuesday didn't hurt that much yesterday but i'm feeling it a more today. Work was ok, but i'm starting to feel kinda icky.
Took off the pedals from my beater bike and stuck them onto the roadie, adjusted the brake pads and pumped the tires up. But i can't find my clipless shoes, and i'm not feeling it. oi!
I scored a 90 before.. i was KINGNerd!
Man that sucks! We'll see what happens when nanotechnology begins!
My weather test shows that i score an 80..
Today i'm feeling like slush. The left side of my body where i took a big hit on tuesday didn't hurt that much yesterday but i'm feeling it a more today. Work was ok, but i'm starting to feel kinda icky.
Took off the pedals from my beater bike and stuck them onto the roadie, adjusted the brake pads and pumped the tires up. But i can't find my clipless shoes, and i'm not feeling it. oi!
Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Toy!
I won this on ebay, a 2001 Trek X01, Cyclocross bike. It came pretty quick from Kentucky. It seems like the guy tricked out by making it a single ring up front, took off the front derailuer. Upgraded the wheelset, shifter / brake combo and headset. It's pretty light, well any road bike is light compared to all the other bikes i got. i don't know why but for cyclocross racing, the brake levers are backwards. The good thing about cyclocross bikes is that the frame is built tougher. And my bicycling buddies know how i like tougher stuff.
In other news, i shot at the 2nd annual snipers challenge. This year i stuck a Harris BiPod on my Thompson Contender. Well doing that has caused my eye relief to shorten greatly which resulted in poor field of view through my scope, my tired neck from snowboarding didn't help either. In the end i sucked. big time. I shot better without the bipod. At least i shot fairly ok with my pistol.
Time to pump the tires swap some pedals, and ride.. i just need to remember the brakes,The brakes!!

Ahhh!! my back needs Cracking! Who do i call??
If your ever in Blairsden, CA (Where?) and you need that neck adjusted. This guy is the man!
I just came back from a 2-day Northstar trip with my co-workers, my brother and friend and man am i feeling it. Neck, shoulders and calves at most. There were a total of 7 of us on tuesday. It was cool, good snow, not extra virgin superfluffypowder but a step down from it. The last time i boarded with Capt'n D, there was a progressive beginner box and jumpies. Well there weren't any but the more intermediate ones. So that kinda sucked. The only good thing was the little house in the middle of the kiddie run was all good to go. The kiddie run isn't meant for snowboarders, it's a tube run in which there were some hairpin turns. It's excellent handling training though! Two years ago the same kiddie run was 1/2 as wide and was crazier.
I've noticed that every year i go to Northstar, the less little fun things the'd have. Waaay back in summer there was this BMX course that was separate from the mountain bike trail. You had to purposely go out of your way to do this thing. It had good sized jumps and it's not meant for beginners. It was the funest thing. The second year, i'm guessing people liked it very much that it became a part of one of the main trails. Of course you didn't need to go jumping the berms. But since it was there and people want to see if they can go airborn they try and rock beats flesh anytime. Truckee hospital anyone? They know broken bones like no other! After a bunch of people getting injured because they were goofing off, Northstar decides to take apart. Weak!! I'm guessing the same has happened to the kiddie run. On the map is a 'Family terrain park', unless the family does rails and boxes in which you've gotta hop up to, i dunno how 'family' that is.
Anyhow, roamed the hills, Alton took 2 hits and may have pulled his ankle. I took a good spill which knocked the air out of me, but i'm alright.
Wednesday, feeling a bit tired, but got out n about some more. Rode fakie for a bit, tried to ollie for a while. It all tires me even more.
I'd like to thank my Co-worker Terrance for hooking the gang up with everything! He's da man!
Monday, January 17, 2005
I'm glad i had today off..
Yesterday fluffielady and i roamed off to see our buddy Eli's housewarming at Sacramento. He likes to call it a Bernie Mac Convention. It was cool, a nice place. Met up with a gangload of his apple coworkers. Ahhh yea the old school Macintoshes.. Too bad they couldn't give me tech support on my System 6.0.2 that fit on ONE 3.5" disk.. Also since all games are made for the PC, i haven't touched my PowerMac 7100/80mhz in a while. It still is my ancient email archive. Every email i've had is still on that Mac. Like the bottle of Stubb's Sauce's Motto: 'My Life is in that bottle'. My past is in that Mac.
Fluffielady and i thought that we'd show up, hang out, go for some Mikumi's Sushi and head back. But no Eli 'forgot' to mention that he had tickets to the Harlem Globetrotter show.. The "show" was pretty good, we only saw about 80% of it. It started at 7:30pm and at 9:30pm it was still going on. Everybody knew that we haven't eaten yet and the drive back to the bay area is 2-hrs. We ventured off to Tokyo Fro's It's a bar / sushi bar.. kinda like Kitaro with semi-loud music and a full bar. The sushi was good and fresh but slightly $$, 11-15$ a roll. Afterwards we get back home at 12:30am... wow thats scary, waaaay past bedtime..
Today all i gotta do is Wax my board, for tommorrow is a board meeting! and fluffielady needs an oil change.
Yesterday fluffielady and i roamed off to see our buddy Eli's housewarming at Sacramento. He likes to call it a Bernie Mac Convention. It was cool, a nice place. Met up with a gangload of his apple coworkers. Ahhh yea the old school Macintoshes.. Too bad they couldn't give me tech support on my System 6.0.2 that fit on ONE 3.5" disk.. Also since all games are made for the PC, i haven't touched my PowerMac 7100/80mhz in a while. It still is my ancient email archive. Every email i've had is still on that Mac. Like the bottle of Stubb's Sauce's Motto: 'My Life is in that bottle'. My past is in that Mac.
Fluffielady and i thought that we'd show up, hang out, go for some Mikumi's Sushi and head back. But no Eli 'forgot' to mention that he had tickets to the Harlem Globetrotter show.. The "show" was pretty good, we only saw about 80% of it. It started at 7:30pm and at 9:30pm it was still going on. Everybody knew that we haven't eaten yet and the drive back to the bay area is 2-hrs. We ventured off to Tokyo Fro's It's a bar / sushi bar.. kinda like Kitaro with semi-loud music and a full bar. The sushi was good and fresh but slightly $$, 11-15$ a roll. Afterwards we get back home at 12:30am... wow thats scary, waaaay past bedtime..
Today all i gotta do is Wax my board, for tommorrow is a board meeting! and fluffielady needs an oil change.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Sillywhacked dream.. all i remember was that there was this big old fashion sleepover and the crew was there as well as a bunch of others, but my special guest to stay over was Queen Elizabeth.. whats that about?
Fluffielady and i have been using Cascade for our dishwasher and we don't like it much. Before we were using the electrosal tablets and they worked excellent. Cascade leaves this milky film.. The tablets are easy, you just put one in and thats it.. The cascade is this big jug that you pour out. Well we thought we were putting too much, and the loader has gradations. We put the least and the glasses still come out milky.. it's gross! Anyhow, found some of these Electrosal Orangy Gel packs and it's all good again..
Made a whole lotta bullets. 200 pistol and 200 rifle. And this thursday theres a 'sniper' match.. woowoo! Last year it was 200 yard shoot with 300 yard simulated targets. This time it's now with 600 yard simulated targets. Now i have the proper gear for it. Time to bring out the Thompson Contender, the little rifle that could..
NapTime During Lunch: 45min
Sillywhacked dream.. all i remember was that there was this big old fashion sleepover and the crew was there as well as a bunch of others, but my special guest to stay over was Queen Elizabeth.. whats that about?
Fluffielady and i have been using Cascade for our dishwasher and we don't like it much. Before we were using the electrosal tablets and they worked excellent. Cascade leaves this milky film.. The tablets are easy, you just put one in and thats it.. The cascade is this big jug that you pour out. Well we thought we were putting too much, and the loader has gradations. We put the least and the glasses still come out milky.. it's gross! Anyhow, found some of these Electrosal Orangy Gel packs and it's all good again..
Made a whole lotta bullets. 200 pistol and 200 rifle. And this thursday theres a 'sniper' match.. woowoo! Last year it was 200 yard shoot with 300 yard simulated targets. This time it's now with 600 yard simulated targets. Now i have the proper gear for it. Time to bring out the Thompson Contender, the little rifle that could..
Monday, January 10, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: Zip, was doing secret squirrel stuff..
All In! All in!!!!
Yesterday was a bit fun. Went to Mafia Joes at Westlake for some good old rigatoni action. Goodness it was crazy packed for a sunday night! Afterwards went to Bri's place and had my hand at texas hold-em.. i've seen it done, but never played. Time wasn't on my side, i had oh an hour to play or so, but i was winning! For once gambling i was winning, what a strange thing! I couldn't leave because the cards wouldn't let me! I think that since i was playing with the crew it was comfortable to goof off and play just to play. If i was at some card table with a bunch of shifty eye'd people i dunno how i'd do against that, results would probably be bad.
If it doesn't involve my life, i cannot gamble it..
NapTime During Lunch: Zip, was doing secret squirrel stuff..
All In! All in!!!!
Yesterday was a bit fun. Went to Mafia Joes at Westlake for some good old rigatoni action. Goodness it was crazy packed for a sunday night! Afterwards went to Bri's place and had my hand at texas hold-em.. i've seen it done, but never played. Time wasn't on my side, i had oh an hour to play or so, but i was winning! For once gambling i was winning, what a strange thing! I couldn't leave because the cards wouldn't let me! I think that since i was playing with the crew it was comfortable to goof off and play just to play. If i was at some card table with a bunch of shifty eye'd people i dunno how i'd do against that, results would probably be bad.
If it doesn't involve my life, i cannot gamble it..
Friday, January 07, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: nada
Man i've been having all these dreams. Not that i remembered the ones i had.
Today i was to go to qualifications. Through the storming and what not i was amped up to shoot in the extreme weather. I've been in extreme weather conditions doing a many a thing. My favorite was downhilling in mud, cross country in same knee deep mud, riding 7 miles in a thunderstorm to watch South Park. i get to the range, the rain was doing diagonal, and was the only one there. Eventually a few others appear and we start getting ready to setup. The weather was waxing and waning, but when we got the targets up, it was definately getting windy. No more diagonal rain but sideways rain.. We got to shoot 2 rounds and the range people called it quits.. bah! it meant we had to go back to wherever we came from and with the drive back to work it stopped raining and the clouds started to part. Too bad it waned too late. Now i gotta reschedule AND clean a gun with two rounds through it.. boo!
NapTime During Lunch: nada
Man i've been having all these dreams. Not that i remembered the ones i had.
Today i was to go to qualifications. Through the storming and what not i was amped up to shoot in the extreme weather. I've been in extreme weather conditions doing a many a thing. My favorite was downhilling in mud, cross country in same knee deep mud, riding 7 miles in a thunderstorm to watch South Park. i get to the range, the rain was doing diagonal, and was the only one there. Eventually a few others appear and we start getting ready to setup. The weather was waxing and waning, but when we got the targets up, it was definately getting windy. No more diagonal rain but sideways rain.. We got to shoot 2 rounds and the range people called it quits.. bah! it meant we had to go back to wherever we came from and with the drive back to work it stopped raining and the clouds started to part. Too bad it waned too late. Now i gotta reschedule AND clean a gun with two rounds through it.. boo!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Another game goes down.. Fluffielady and i went to serramonte on sunday for some shopping action and i got 2 games for 4.99 each, Xiii and O.R.B.. i just beat Xiii, it uses the unreal engine but has this comic book feel. Sometimes moving characters are comic bookish since my character can walk right through them. Also bullet hits sometimes aren't registered. Anyhow it's a DeusEx type plot. It seems that alot of games are fixated on a crossbow with a scope. (i.e. Half-Life). I suppose, sniping is my sport and i like the animation that comes with it. Oh ya speaking of which, all the ammo, armor, and health, is all reset the next level.. wassup with that? 3-days and the game is done.
Now i've installed that O.R.B. game, it seems like a 3-d space battle / Strategy game. we'll see, it's only 4.99.. Those are the best.
i think my all time fav for goofing off is Civilization 3.. it's never the same twice, but last time playing 16-nation deal is so hard. Of course once you beat it, it's time to find cheats or trainers and see what you can goof off with.. heh.
Now i've installed that O.R.B. game, it seems like a 3-d space battle / Strategy game. we'll see, it's only 4.99.. Those are the best.
i think my all time fav for goofing off is Civilization 3.. it's never the same twice, but last time playing 16-nation deal is so hard. Of course once you beat it, it's time to find cheats or trainers and see what you can goof off with.. heh.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10 (Will they stop killing my minions?)
NapTime During Lunch: 40min
Yesterdays dream was wierd. Todays was odd as well, and it's sponsored by Carl's Jr. Yesterdays dream, i dreamt that i was superman-ish, i had the typical skills superman has. My mission was to stop this nazi army from raiding what i guess a sorority's panty drawers.. whats up with that??
Todays was i was hosting a party but had the bright idea of buying a bunch of them 6$ hamburgers at Carl's Jr. and cutting them 6 ways to produce 1$ burgers?
Finally my part from HP comes. The laptop is running and gunning again. woot!
Capt'n D is heading off to another 2 week dealio somewhere in the boonies again.. man!
NapTime During Lunch: 40min
Yesterdays dream was wierd. Todays was odd as well, and it's sponsored by Carl's Jr. Yesterdays dream, i dreamt that i was superman-ish, i had the typical skills superman has. My mission was to stop this nazi army from raiding what i guess a sorority's panty drawers.. whats up with that??
Todays was i was hosting a party but had the bright idea of buying a bunch of them 6$ hamburgers at Carl's Jr. and cutting them 6 ways to produce 1$ burgers?
Finally my part from HP comes. The laptop is running and gunning again. woot!
Capt'n D is heading off to another 2 week dealio somewhere in the boonies again.. man!
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Happy Post New Years!
Fluffielady and i hung out at RangerBob's place with Capt'n D for the new years. We hung out, played the 90's trivial pursuit, that game is sorta hard, even though it's supposed to be in the '90's.. All i remember was one question 'which nation had the most voter turnout in 1999'.. Anybody? Anyhow peoples played for a bit and then gave up..
This whole rain thing is getting old.. The only good thing about it is 6-12 feet of snow! woohoo!
Today i was supposed to go launch off some bullets, but it was closed due to the rain.. man!
I've got 2 new years resolutions for '05..
1) I Will Be master class by the end of the year...
2) I Must maintain a supply of ammo.. at least 500rnds of .40's. 200rnds of 600-yard stuff and 300+ of 200-300 yard stuff..
Fluffielady got me a Sinclair Overall Length (OAL) Guage it's gonna take some time but i'm gonna find the full length of all my weps.. Goodness!
Fluffielady isn't liking the fact that shes going back to work.. and i hope the mold doesn't get to her *again* her work is falling apart.. it's quite nasty! workworkwork.. bah!
The answer to the question is.. india.. (oi)
Fluffielady and i hung out at RangerBob's place with Capt'n D for the new years. We hung out, played the 90's trivial pursuit, that game is sorta hard, even though it's supposed to be in the '90's.. All i remember was one question 'which nation had the most voter turnout in 1999'.. Anybody? Anyhow peoples played for a bit and then gave up..
This whole rain thing is getting old.. The only good thing about it is 6-12 feet of snow! woohoo!
Today i was supposed to go launch off some bullets, but it was closed due to the rain.. man!
I've got 2 new years resolutions for '05..
1) I Will Be master class by the end of the year...
2) I Must maintain a supply of ammo.. at least 500rnds of .40's. 200rnds of 600-yard stuff and 300+ of 200-300 yard stuff..
Fluffielady got me a Sinclair Overall Length (OAL) Guage it's gonna take some time but i'm gonna find the full length of all my weps.. Goodness!
Fluffielady isn't liking the fact that shes going back to work.. and i hope the mold doesn't get to her *again* her work is falling apart.. it's quite nasty! workworkwork.. bah!
The answer to the question is.. india.. (oi)