
Monday, June 30, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.2 out of 10
Time During Lunch: None

June 30, 2008 5:35pm 8-Pic stitch

June 30, 2008 6:44pm 3-pic Stitch

Someone turned on the color in the water, it was quite a vivid blue

Yesterday we got our replacement bed from Macy's. Pretty cool, thanks Simmons for a 10-year warranty. We originally had a Simmons World Class "Cayley", its a pillowtop with a soft memory foam. The warranty takes effect when the memory foam has memorized your body depth by 1.5"+ we were at 2.5". At times in bed, it felt like sleeping in a valley of sorts.
Our replacement is a similar world class model 'angelique', it has a firmer memory foam and it is a bit stiff. Thats alright, the bed feels taller now, lordy.

Too bad the new handsfree law is taking in effect tommorrow. I forgot to try to text while on a motorcycle, drats!

Now playing: Andrea Bocelli - Por Ti Volare
via FoxyTunes

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hung out with the Fluffielady for some Cookie Lee action at Seabowl. They were hosting a hot rod car show of sorts. Bring out your poodle skirts, slicked back hair with combs in the back pocket, Ben Davis or Dickie pants and fishnet stockings, just not all together. Bring out your old schools, wax and chrome. There was live music and raffle. Nobody was bowling in Seabowl, most of the people in there were buying food and drinks.

3 pic stitch of the Seabowl Parking lot, which there were no spaces for 'normal' cars. People were parked up the hill, onto a never used road. I guess thats the use of the non-used road, overload parking.

Got Grillz?
Speaking of Chopt 1949, i had this perfectly framed, until i saw what i got and on the upper corner was some dood standing around. Crop! You could still barely see his hat. Thats me squatting for the shot.

I always liked such vintage mobiles. I told myself that one day i'll go through the blood, sweat and tears on rebuilding one sometime in my life. And when i heard how much cash was invovled, i guess thats what the tears part in blood, sweat and tears is. Of course those were the days when a house in SF was 450-500k.

Its a LowLow. There were quite a few hydraulic and air bagged cars. Its a daily driver the guy says.. Riiight.

Fluffielady didn't sell that much, it was probably because i was there. I tend to kill sales. Maybe i should have slicked back my hair and wore some west coast chopper stuff. Oh well.

Now playing: Jim Brickman - Secret Love (piano solo)
via FoxyTunes

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.2 out of 10
Time During Lunch: None

Yesterdays Sunset of sorts, i missed it by going for the camera but the whole sky was a pink color from all the smokey smoke with all these forest fires. This photo doesn't really show much pink at all. It is what happens if you aren't at the right place at the right time.

Now playing: DJ Roland Kenzo - Listen Feel Enjoy
via FoxyTunes

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.15 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

Lets see. Went to the dentist again, now i'm sporting a new silver filling, Ooo. Hope this sticks or else i'll be less wise in the future.

Added a 250gb sata drive that i bought a while back, moved files around and removed partitions on the 80 and 120gb maxtors that have still worked since '04. Pretty good for now, i wonder if i should back up some of that. So my system now has 4 hard drives, 2 optical drives, 1 floppy (Sweet!) busting 700gb.. dang, well i have 314gb free. Video from the MiniDV takes TONS of space.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fluffielady and i awaken early to the bastard heat that still lingered with us overnight, man this insulation is good, too good. Soo good that we slept downstairs where its cooler.
We headed out to high tea time at Tranquilitea near oceana. We surveyed the scene for a future baby shower, and with that came a scone and some Rooibos Tea, quite tasty, but blazing hot tea in a hot morning doesn't work out right.
After high tea, we marched over to Foster City for some Red Egg n Ginger, for Jasmine! I don't take as much photos of peoples anymore, i need to do so without overdoing it.

Roz n Jivs, childrenfolk!
It was cool, food was yummie, met some pplz, eat some eats.

Got home and saw this. Kinda weird with the jetsteam going into infinity. Fluffielady thinks da plane went down, i doubt it.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.10 out of 10 (4hrs ot)
Time During Lunch: Medium

I think sunset was scheduled at 8:35pm, and i've learned to use the Auto Exposure Lock on this little camera to work the image better, a whole lot better and smoother.

June 20, 2008 8:30pm 182-degree 8-pic stitch

June 20, 2008 9:08pm 176-degree 5-pic stitch
This one started getting a little shaky, .5 second shots. I need a wall mounted tri-pod, heh..

i've got a time-lapse video that i need to make of yesterdays (6/19/08) sunset, pretty nifty!

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.10 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

Finally my phone service is back. Its a cluster crap, one of finger pointing. We were to have service back on the 16th. On the 16th, nada happens. We call at the evening and fluffielady gets into a verbal match with a 'supervisor' (everybody is a supervisor now) about service n crap. AT&T claims its comcasts fault.
On the 17th, the DSL goes out, ahh yea things are gonna get sketchy now.
On the 18th I call a Comcast number that at&t gave and its a dood named mike. I had an interesting convo with him and he feels my pain, it was a technician line and he couldn't do anything but lookup orders. I call the normal craptastic phone number and they claim our number isn't 'owned' by them, so its at&t's problem. I tell them, it isn't working and they further see that there is a pending order, it got cancelled and lo n behold we have phone and dsl again.
Today, a Comcast tech comes and Fluffielady politely tells him to put on his notes that we don't exist and that comcast should never ever go near this house again.

In other news, i am proud to be part of the brothers.

The Racial Draft Continues.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yesterday finished finishing the rest of the wine rack, it looks decent for a sponge brush that i only had.

Today was foggy overcast at the haus but at Frontierland Park it was clear and sunny.

View of the Fog trying to creep in from the south (devils slide), the fog was creeping from all sides. The sun held off the fog for the whole duration that we were there, pretty cool. We get to the park at 10:30 and the 4 bbq pits in the main area were taken. dratz. There are two other spots which are for paid group bbq and then we remembered the two by the side of the park. Its kinda secluded but it was cool for us.
I thought i took a bit of pics, but i guess i didn't. We need some group pics, its been a while..

It was quite an impressive armada of baby carriers. Kiddie madness is arriving!

We hang out till past 4pm, get home and Fluffielady presents me with a gift that she hopes works out:

Oban 14 year, the Green Label is from Roz, who drank a bit of my other green label. Thanks for the replacement! The oban is pretty tasty, smooth, rich smokey flavors in the middle and a bit sweet in the end. Not bad, i likes!

Now playing: Kyle Landry - Canon v7
via FoxyTunes

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.10 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Nada

Forgot to post yesterday, the whole day was serious alzheimers yesterday. But Fluffielady and I signed up to do a focus group involving Brownells.com from a group called EyeTools.com. The lure is a 50$ check and 50$ gift certificate to Brownells, they have tons n tons of gunparts, OEM, everything. The catalog is a mini-phone book which includes tools from the obscure to the common mans gun oil. i'm looking for some front sights and para parts to modify.
At eyetools, i expected a room full of people (isn't that what a focus group is?) and we all watch a video or presentation. Nope, it was 2 rooms with a computer in each room. The monitor has this infra-red scanner which watches your eye-patterns while viewing a website. The first 4 were news sites, and it asked how we thought of the webpage layout, etc. At the end is a newer version of brownells and we were to rate it. It took Fluffielady 30min and myself 45. i had some input to input. We walk off with da monies and floated about downtown.

The past few days, fluffielady has been working up the house, mainly painting and i follow suit with the winerack:

I'm glad the rack is removable, it kinda had to be, the rack as a whole couldn't fit in. Stain dangit stain!

Now playing: Dj Mystik - Monster Sound
via FoxyTunes

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.15 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Medium

This is something for the consumerist.com
Today was all fine and dandy till i get home. The phone is out, fluffielady tells me. So i try some troubleshooting, maybe bad wiring, something blew up, line outage maybe? It wasn't until i looked up my phone bill online that it states 'your telephone number does not exist, a work order or order or service may have occurred'.. Ookay, it had an order number made 5/23/08 and is 'in progress'. I call lovely AT&T and get this ghetto girl (i have the name on my other computer) that put me on hold, i get transfered to a Rebecca and she asks how can she help me, then blurts out a 1800 number and hangs up on me. Now this is getting wierd. I call again and get a Rachael from Texas and she was quite pleasant and nice, i ask her whats this work order that i never ordered and she says, oh, it's an order for disconnection of land line service. uh, say wha?
So who made and authorized this order, why comcast of course. uh, excuse me?
So flashback to 5/23/08, it was a nice friday afternoon/evening and i just got back home from work. There were two gentlemens walking around asking if we used to be comcast customers, i said yes, used to be. And he tries to price out what i have and if comcast can beat it. I told him the numbers and he tries to pitch this deal on me. He shows me neighbors order forms (is that confidential info? or what?) I told him to give me some flyers and i'll think about it. I didn't sign any papers, no handshake deal, no nada.
A week later, a technician calls fluffielady to schedule an appointment for service. Fluffielady tells them to go away, we never ordered anything from comcast. They call a few more times and we haven't heard from them since.
Today we learned that we were 'slammed' by comcast. Having phone service changed without our consent. I see it has fraud, i look up the Better Business Bureau and PUC and nada. All i see from the web are tips on how to prevent slamming. There doesn't seem to be any consequence for this, if the owner catches this in the first 30 days, they don't need to pay for services. If its after 30 and owner pays then the slammer company is to pay back both the owner as well as the originiating provider. Thats it.
Well we have no landline till the 16th of june. the really strange part is, my DSL still works. DSL requires a landline to operate. WhatsGoingOn?

As for the new iphone, i was really diggin it until i heard that the new data plan for it is 30$ extra a month. Talk about $$$!!! Now what do i do?


Sunday, June 08, 2008

High power action: It ain't working for me. =\

200 Yard Slow Offhand: 182-4x
200 Yard Rapid Sitting: 92-1x
300 Yard Rapid Prone: 99-2x
600 Yard Slow Prone: 98-3x
Total: 471-10x

Sunny and warm day with no wind at all. The match was a smaller one as well with only 13 people blasting away, just like last month. How odd. My standing sucked, i was going back and forth from a X or 10 to a 8. My sitting blows again, but i think that is where i need to focus on. As to my blurb last month on going all out for the high master class, i dunno anymore. hah!

After getting home, i did an oil change on Delilah, she turns 100k miles. woot!

Enough of that crap, on with the Alaskan stitches.

The quarter way point in Denali National Park. Tour buses only. Wake up at 4am, cram yourselves onto a bus and sit for a 6 or 8 hour tour (feels like forever either way). You play the game of shout out loud to stop the bus if you see anything, mostly we didn't see much except for a few spots. We saw bald eagles, brown bears, dall sheep, and caribou at a far off distance. This stop lasted a whole 15 minutes and the driver didn't give a hoot if she left ya.

Halfway point on the bus tour. Its pretty but i guess its the first turnaround and rest area.

All this time in the summer it just looked barren, it wasn't the snow capped mountains until we reached Seward, the last of our land journey. This pano was made while wandering around the city before hopping onto the cruise ship.

In the water, first day of 2 seabound, heading towards a glacial bay. Beh, its water.

Cruise Ship Parking at Juneau. Park your cruise ship and get offloaded onto a Pier39-ish land.

I tried a few others and it didn't work, or somehow i had missed a section to stitch. Oh well, like i knew i was going to do this.

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Did a few things today. Woke up at 7am with that weird dream, surfed a bit, stitched some alaska photos (Ooo!). Yesterday i was looking at both online and my service manual on how to do a valve check and adjustment, its a 16k mile interval task. At a bike shop, its the most costliest thing to do, its labor intensive (200+$) with a 85$ parts kit. i read up on how-to's and it doesn't seem that bad. So i need to collect the proper tools. Sears has a fathers day sale (isn't fathers day next week?) and the Mission Motorcycles has on the first saturday of the month a 15% off anything that fits a brown bag days (excellent timing). I think i'm going to do the valve check on the 36k, so i have a while to prepare.
So, went to:
-Mission Moto for oil, a light bulb that went out, and a K/N Cleaning kit.
-Darby Dan's 'cuz Fluffielady was feeling for a hoagie type dealie. Yea i haven't been there in ages! 6-8$ sandwiches. Pretty good, something different then the shack.
-Sears to pickup a 5$ toolbag and 8$ feeler gauge for the valve dealie.
-Target to get some 18-gal tubs, crap. Starting to pack crap up for 'future transitions'.
-Lowes for Paint stain, Spray Paints
-Visited Lullaby Lane, an overpriced wannabe megalomart for baby gear. It inhabits at least 4 or so buildings, and its growing.
-Got home..

The internet is so great for instructional stuff, i like howcast.com. I'm thinking of joining it and give up some firearms knowledge, but i dunno.. i'm shy..
This pictoral donation is aimed at Bri, since i couldn't get his bike warmed up for an oil change due to some unknown reason. Heres a how-to on motorcycle oil changing.

Moto Oil Change. Since my bike is a 99, parts are older, in different locations, etc. but the generalities are the same.

1. Get the tools needed.
For a '99 Suzuki GXSR-600 i needed:
1 4mm allen wrench
1 21mm socket
1 OEM Oil filter adapter
1 3/8" socket wrench
1 oil drain plug washer
1 oil pan
1 funnel
3 quarts of 10-40 blend oil
and the ultimate item: 1 flap of aluminum foil.

2. Warm up the bike, at least a few minutes, to get the oil flowing.

3. Remove the right side body panel (/w 4mm allen, but body panels differ), or whatever panels needed to access the oil filter. You can see the Oil filler plug as well as the oil filter on the pic below.

Oil Filler Plug and note the 2600ml, Some bikes have a notation, others dont. The service manual will always help.
4. Open the Oil Filler Plug, clean the plug with a shop towel and set aside.

Under the bike is the oil drain plug.
5. Mount 21mm socket onto wrench and loosen oil drain plug a little. Place oil pan under the plug, i had very little wiggle room. Loosen the plug all the way and drain oil into pan. I clean this bolt and set aside as well, toss out old washer / gasket. This plug has a magnetic plug which captures metal shavings. Captured metal shavings is good!

Oil Filter

6. Let drain for a little, then i place the ultimate piece of foil on the headers right under where the oil filter rests. You don't really need the foil, but the smell of burning oil isn't my thing. Move oil pan to where its positioned both under the drain as well as where the foil dripping leads to.
7. Unmount 21mm socket and mount oil filter wrench. Loosen the filter and remove.

8. Wait till theres no more or very little oil dripping and replace the washer onto oil drain plug. Put back in and i try not to tighten too much with the 21mm.

9. Open New oil, dip your finger and lube the rubber ring of the oil filter.
10. Replace oil filter and tighten with oil filter wrench.
11. Use funnel and put 2600ml into the system.
12. Close Oil filler plug
13. Turn moto on and pray. Run for a few minutes, turn off and let it sit for a few minutes.
14a. If the bike is on a stand, then you can look at the oil window if you need to add. Its better to have less than full then greater than full. But its not good to have less than less to where nothing shows up on the window!
14b. If the bike is not on the stand, well, stand the bike up and have someone look at the window for you, or use mirrors, etc.

15. Grab a tasty frosty beverage and relax, knowing you saved a bit and got your hands dirty in a good way. After you'll need to figure on where and how to dispose of the oil..

I continued to open up the front and finally clean my BMC air filter. Its just like a K/N with the exact red colorings. I bought the cleaning kit and followed the directions. Man there was abit of sand in there. Glad it wasn't in the engine!

Now playing: Sungha Jung - Ombrellino
via FoxyTunes

Dreams keep flowing..

The only thing i remember is being able to teleport short distances. And telling people to leave some cave or tunnel 'cuz i had to do something that may or may not collapse the tunnel and since i could teleport its best for me to do whatever dangerous task it was.

Things remembered..
-When waking up i remembered i may have some panoramic pics from alaska.. more to come..
oh ya, the moto hit 32k miles two days ago. I'm reading up on valve adjustments, i think i can do it. YooCanDooIt!

Now playing: Sungha Jung - Valse du Zenith
via FoxyTunes

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Friday, June 06, 2008


Man i've been having weird ones this whole week. Yesterday involves, thoughts of explosives, misunderstanding, jail cell full of cheerleaders.
Today i needed to talk to a ghost / spirit, who knew thermodynamics as well as nuclear physics, to start up a reactor / power plant. Because the world was heading to doom, if i didn't find a way to turn on this generator.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0.15 out of 10
Time During Lunch: Short

What ever happen to days like this?
From Shorpy
What happened to those days, where you could carry a rifle in a rifle case and sit on a subway train without people calling 911. When your rifle is in the back of your car and after going to school, go hunt in the woods? I've brought my Enfield to school, the Major almost shat his pants but played it off, warning me about the good old days aren't here anymore. Now, bring a rifle for show-and-tell and you'll be off with a felony on your record. I was growing up in that age of transition, from the realistic fake firearms to the flourscent colorings to distinguish the difference.
I remember hanging out at a gun store and one of the customers were asking about transportation techniques. The guy stated that he had no car and wondered if its ok to take the bus to the range with his pistol in his backpack. The gunstore worker looked stunned and told him that he should find a ride to the range.

Nowadays, you can't go to a bowling alley, a church, a funeral even without getting blasted. I sense with future anti-gun laws coming down the pipe things are gonna get wilder. The new craze is since guns are ok to own says the supreme court, ammo on the other hand isn't protected by the 2nd amendment. The only thing about banning firearms is the citizen must now place their security faith into local law enforcement (is that good?). No more the neighborhood watch, no more neighbors to watch for each other, just call the cops, they heal all wounds (sure), then the madness continues 30minutes after the black n whites leave.. Thats just my view.

Now playing: Sungha Jung - Boxer
via FoxyTunes


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