
Sunday, November 30, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 3 out of 10 (drama begins..a 9 out of 10 for my co-worker.)
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

I think i'm gonna be thrusted into the 'politics' of my work. Not by choice. I don't really regard it as politics i think it's how things should be, so heres the background:

My co-worker and i were hanging out helping the medical staff adminster medications. The three of us step into this one area which has meanies, but this area had 3 psychiatric meanies. So it's worst of the worst, meds wear off and the person is back to their about-to-ignite-attitudes. So this one guy let's call him L, was a particularly hostile type. Yea talk to him nicely and he's usually mellow but how could you when he's dead asleep from the meds from earlier (like 6hrs earlier). So you try once in the easy tone, then you go louder, and one last bellow before we leave. Patients have the right to refuse medicine, but when they are asleep it can go either way. So we awaken young Mr. L and he seemed fine to the idea of medication. All of a sudden when my coworker comes by, he mutters something, oviously the thing to do is ask 'what did you say'. and saying that to this particular set-it-off kinda person thought it was a threat. What does he do? The unhumanly thing to do.. Spit.. Right then me and my coworker look at each other, tell the medical staff to scoot on out 'cuz somethings gonna happen.. Something physical.. ok get the gloves on, call for a supervisor, and see what happens after that. (When i used to work on the swing watch, it was, do the deed and then call for the supervisor) Well we called for the only one around, but he called it off, told us to leave. Both me and my coworker were stunned. I sensed since we've changed our main boss that the tone is different. The tone is set by the heads and passed down. Well this guy was rumored to have a no-hands type of approach. To us it meant that you lie,cheat,steal, feed your way into our clients. Which sends a signal to the other clients.. It's like when dogs can smell your fear, they feed on it.
So we leave, befuddled, stunned, shocked even to as what to do. As we left my coworker told him that he's going to be written up. Mr. L's response? another spat. To my buddies face. Now what do you do?
Nothing Why? Since he is a psych client he gets special privilages?! He can do what he wants and we can't? All he got was a write-up? You get write-ups for breaking rules (Mala Prohibita (latin for crime of rules instead of Mala In Se: Crime of morals)); Running stop-signs, speeding, hoarding medications.. But when they get physical we're supposed to respond physically. It's called the 'circle of force' or pyramid of force. You start at a low level, and when they escalate, so do you.
So this whole show proves to them that it's ok to do what he just did and he's gonna continue. It's like playing poker, it's all in the 'tell,' the subconsious signals that players send when they are either winning or losing. I've called their bluffs many a time and that was it for the moment, the game was over. I won the hand. Well this time we didnt' just lose the hand, we gave them another level to play on. I wonder how crazy it's gonna be when i get back from my days off. Hopefully it can be contained. I'd like to crack a little action on Mr. L for doing what he did, but these are the things in which nobody is supposed to know. The stories, the rumors. Why is that? it's called Title 42 of the United States Code Section 1983. So i don't even consider it politics, but when supervisors believe in one thing, and the busy-bees believe in another. Things are gonna start rubbing the wrong way. It's the whole Theory vs. Reality principal. Yea it *should* work that way, but does it?

it's like when i do the visiting with my clients' parents, sibilings, loved ones. If they could only see what happens for just a day, 5ft in from the glass windows and telephones. It's kinda like a very mild version of Training day but no weapons.

Once in a while i do wonder if this is the career that i'd want to be in.

On another note, it seems that the term cockroach does fit my lovely car-stealing-reckless-driving-sideshow-neighbor. Once in a while when i wake up at 5:40am, my neighbor and his buddies are out there doing their hanging out thing. But once i turn on the TV for my morning stretching, and the neighbor sees the glare eminating from my house. Off they scatter. All gone..

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10 (i am zee boss again!)
NapTime During Lunch: 15min (took forever trying to watch some cnn crap about first time home buyers..)

Woohoo! Captain D is back in germany! he's waiting to be outprocessed to be a civilian and should be back home in february. The scary part is he doesn't know what to do after this. He is a rocket scientist but i don't think he's gonna go that way. He could always stay in the army n maybe go back to iraq.. He said it best, if he didn't like what happens in his civilian career he could always jack back into the matrix and live the military life.. heh..

it's all about choice.. and at those times.. life-altering choices..

Friday, November 28, 2003

Man heres an idea!!

The crew hasn't gone superstore window shopping in a while.. Today roxanne and i brought her parents to Dreagers at downtown San Mateo.. that supermarket / restraunt / everything else is the place to roam!
oh ya another tidbit! Bed bath n beyond junkmail lasts up to 2 years after it 'expires!' Thats what one employee at one store says.. Neato!

Mmmmmm Turkeyday..

All i hafta say is.. It's not over till you've finished a biggie thanksgiving day dinner with a slice of pumpkin pie and on the side a scoop of pumpkin ice cream and whipped cream on top of both.. Ahhh yea.. It was cool, my family hanging with roxannes family at her smallish place. It came out to 2 turkeys and a prime-rib. Overfoodage is the word.. Happy banter is the mood of last night.. it was cool..

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

i am the ultimate stealth ninja!!!

The fluffielady called in sick today, shes gotta cold n fever n what not. I decide that in order to kill a cold you feed it, and whats best for that is none other than the lovely Little Luccas (Da Shack!) sandwiches! So i get into Delilah and drive down and i've gotten to southbound El Camino Real, halfway through the left turn lane, so i could do a U-turn.. Since its now 4-laned in the one direction and i was on the left turn lane (called lane #1). One SUV was already at the red light at lane #2. There was a brand new Toyota Corolla on the lane after that (middle lane, or lane #3) and it was slowing down towards the light. The toyota turned on it's left turn signal and started to slowly change lanes. I thought it was gonna go behind the SUV when i *sensed* something was up. If i didn't ride my bicycle out on the streets i'd probably wouldn't be righting this.. (unless the hospital has computers for me to play with!) Anyways, the lady kept going for the left turn lane. and Physics states that to objects cannot be in the same space at the same time. i did what i had to do, i honked AND, in traffic situations it's all about the ABS, braking, traction.. well i didn't stop, i couldn't or else it WOULDA hit me. I accelerated and was thinking that it's gonna hit my rear side. Nada.. How in the world could you not see a bright yellow car?
So off to the shack. and one of my former supervisors came in after me.. she never noticed me. jeez. *stealth*
So that was fun, i wonder how i could use this ninjaness some more.
After hanging out n tending to the lady for a bit it was time for me to get my back cracked in oakland. I left early thinking that i could hit this gun store in the way up n see if i could get any goodies. Ugh i passed the accident scene of the car fire on the San mateo bridge. The guy in the car didn't make it. It seemed like a 3-vehicle dealio. a Semi-Truck, the pick-up truck and a minivan. I think the pick-up truck was trying to cut into the right lane but turned into the semi. The semi had a big dent in it's grill, and it doesn't look square on as if the semi rear ended it. It was pitched to it's left side.
Madness surrounded me today. Tommorrow is another adventure..
Time to add another goodie to the ToAsTy Approved list.. Trader Joe's Honey Wheat Pretzel Sticks.. $1.39 ultra yum.. pretzels with a touch of honeysweetness.. *Drool* Roxannes hooked on them.. n so will you!

Monday, November 24, 2003


Whelp there goes 1 pound of Varget.. Well almost, i've made 230rnds of .223.. it's all good now.. So i'm trying to figure how much it costs.. 7000grains to a pound, 25grains per charge. thats 280charges. Say i use up an exact amount (yea right) that comes to .10cents a charge. 500 bullets of 69grain sierras were 55$ that comes to .11cents a bullet. Primers were 20$ for 1,000 so thats .02cents. .23cents a cartridge eh.. So 50rnds is 11.50$ and 23$ for 100rnds. That doesn't count the labor of case trimming and the whole loading thing. So how does that compare to already made stuff? Well for match ammo, i find 25rnds of hornandy customs for 13.50$, a box of remington match loads 20rnds for 14.50$.. Ooo Federal Gold Medal Match bullets with the same 69gr Sierra is for 20/rnds 18$ goodness! Now i'm not saying that i'm making the gourmet stuff, but i would like to believe it. So thats the high-end the low end can go as low as $2.69 for 20rnds which is equivalent to $6.73 for 50.
i've talked to some reloaders and one recommends me to go to Scharch.com where they sell brass either resized already with no primer, or resized and with a primer in them.. pretty nifty, so all ya had to do was load the powder and bullet and thats it.. hmm wonder how much that costs up to.
Whelp i know they work, but let's see if they work accurately.. heh.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work:1.5 out of 10 (i got amped up and ready to rumble! Other than that it woulda been a 1 or less!)
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

The day was easy except for:
Yanno there are situations in which things can go different directions. For me it's one of those things in which if i don't hafta go that way i don't hafta. I coulda easily gone physical with a certain 'client' of mine but something stopped me. I think it's the same thing as when i drink enough alkies that something tells me to 'pause'. It's kinda neat, since this situation, which involved butting heads (mine and that clients) that it coulda gone bad. I mean my decisions would probably be supported by my supervisors but then there are always 'alternative' methods of handling situations. Yea.. right.. you try to think of 'alternative' methods when someones refusing your orders and is swearing at you, stepping up in front of you in front of others to show whos bad.. I didn't realize it until after i stopped that if i was on the swing watch, there wouldn't be any 'alternative' methods. A bunch of cowboys on that watch that i liked. It's how it's supposed to be. But noooo, on the midnight and day watch there are more chiefs than indians. (one day i commented on that, there were 4 supervisors to 3 workers working the line) and of course since this is S.F. we need to understand their pain and not infuriate these gentle beasts who've strayed their way in society. Riiight.. tell that to the one who's had a criminal history whos served time in Alcatraz..

So From now on if i can get away with it, i'll answer the phones with 'Welcome to County Hotel #1, how can i help you?' heh..

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (More boss action!)
NapTime During Lunch: 10min.

Woo! can you say brisk? i was thinking at 6am how this temperature (42degrees) was the best temperature for combustion. Both for vehicles and for biological systems. Riding my bike to work, it was that cold crisp air that cuts into your throat. But not the real real cold crisp where you start to choke from the cold.. heh Feel the burn! I guess this is what cold air intakes are about!

Tis good to have time editing on them blogs.

Time for a hot date with the lovely lady. Going to hillsdale for some chinaware.. LiKE let's go to da malll yanno! LiKE we're gonna eat at CPK n stuff!!

Friday, November 21, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 3 out of 10 (More hospital action, i got 1/4 into my Men's Journal.)
NapTime During Lunch: None! There was no lunch!

Can You say?

Yep that right, i had a bag of trail mix for breakfast with a cup of OJ and a bag of famous amos chocolate chip cookies till i got home at 5pm. A coworker and i went of to the hospital to send one of our clients to the nut ward and we've told the hospital ward peoples that we haven't eaten. Their answer was, oh well.. Lovely. We didn't complete our mission till 4pm. oi! I didn't feel hungry until i got home after riding my bicycle. Then i was starving!

Ugh, Michael Jackson is in the spotlight again, and his booking picture is FREAKING SCARY! after thinking about it i swear theres gotta be some sorta DNA modification or something. He's gotta have paid some freak scientist to manipulate some gene splicing.. or i guess he has a full time plastic surgeon in neverland ranch who never sees the light of day.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (i'm now the miscellaneous person. Need some strange task? give it to me! Today i got to bring my 2nd abscess removal. That is the nastiest thing in the world! i caught up with my newest Road and Track magazine already!)
NapTime During Lunch: 27min (with no sort of alarm)

it's funny but i've never wanted to be in the medical field. but seeing how they do all these procedures on my 'clients' i could probably do an IV, and maybe clean an abscess. Heck i've been in x-ray rooms, MRI's, seen what they do to people with mad high blood pressure.. i never knew you could be doing 280/170bp after taking 4 nitro and still be talking to you normally. i guess i'm learning the way of the trauma EMT by experience.. heh Anyways the jack-of-all-trades is still learning once again.. n it's quite cool due to the lack of learning things while turning keys.

i'm trying a new method of sleeping, it's stated that the body sleeps in 5 phases, with REM sleep at the last stage. Usually each stage is around 90minutes. so if it takes about 15-20min to go to sleep (hardest part of them all) then figure however many cycles you want to wake up at. i did it yesterday and i think it worked. of course it's gotta be one of them life altering type dealies. Like drinking water instead of juices at work. one bottle is only 300calories. 1/2hr of moderate bicycling is 300-380calories.

p.s. the Lexus LS430's ultra cool back seats that lean and massage are a $12k option!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 6 out of 10 (Just because i have 2 months more time in doesn't mean that i make all the decisions.. but then it does make me the deligator of tasks.. woohoo!)
NapTime During Lunch: 41min

i can smell it.. it's coming.. The fluffie snow yes.. i wonder how much gasoline n oil i'm gonna burn this year trekking up n down the grand sierras. Alot more of my buddies have their own gear, i just wonder if we can all get the time together to swarm the mountains.. That'd be sick! I'm done being up there alone, it's nice, i can fall all i want and nobody will know, but those times are over for me.
i'm trying to find some icons for ToAsTy Approved / Unapproved.. I find them Zoloft character thingies kinda cute. i dunno though. Trying to get the mind inspired but all it goes is *bzzt**bzzt*.. oi..
Hmmz theres new coupon codes for the laptop i'm looking for.. but it doesn't *dazzle* me. Ain't i quite picky? heh.
Weeee! off to photoshop

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Theres been a certain someone who's been bugging me to write to Santa about presents for christmas.. Now as for the whole naughty or nice thing, say if i was naughty, but i work in a place where i must fight naughtieness with naughtieness.. does that count? Now Santa you don't need to get me everything on this list since some of these things are $$$. But since it's from one website, might as well order it all (hehe!)

So here be it:

C1038 Blank Eyepiece White Color 7$
C1036 Glassbelt Eye-Glass Shield 4$
N038 Creedmore 20Round Box .223 30$
C1311 Deluxe Shooting Hat 21$

Montana Gold .40cal 180gr JHP's
2500 of these lovely puppies for $190.35 +$5 for home shippin

HDVAR8 Hodgdon Varget Powder 8# $109.95
LY7777760 Flash Hole Uniformer $9.30
LY7777784 Primer Pocket Reamer Small $7.07
LY7777785 Primer Pocket Reamer Large $7.07
PC9991 PC One Shot Case Lube $6.57
RH00122 Ranier 40Cal 180GR HP 1000/BX $65.29 ea. (but it's 30 pounds of shipping. Thats 27$!)
In the catalog theres these two items, since the webpage is being redone.
UM14033 1 1/4" Swivel only$7.27 ea. (2 please!)
HDAM Hodgdon Annual Manual $6.95
Santa you don't hafta get the Varget nor the Ranier bullets, but it'd be nice.. *blink**blink* Say do the creedmore and the natchezss but without the powder n bullets and i'll be happy!

These are for the people who feel generous or have won the lotto and are seeking to bust some surprise gifts this year. (anything could happen!)

AR0750B Rock River Arms National Match Post-Ban A2 Upper With black free float handguards and a 1/4 x 1/4 hooded aperature. (625$)

It's cheaper here at RBPrecision.com (565$) or here at Sableco.net (567$)
That is my current list of goodies.. A laptop would be nice too!

Man the Gixxer has just elevated me to the next level with that 54$ (used) ebay Corbin Leather Seat! (MSRP $199).. It's got this 'pocket' where i rest at. It felt stiffer and thinner at first but the small bumps n what not didn't transmit to me, unlike the stock seat. It is more 'slippery' though, but that is a good thing since i shift all about for them turns.. Remember: Happieness isn't around the corner.. Happieness is the corner..

Monday, November 17, 2003


The bullets go bang! I think i need to watch the flow of the powder for the pistol. The shells afterwards don't seem to land in a consistant spot, also there seems to be some discoloration on one of the sides of the shell, it looks like the powder burns pretty madly! I got this recipie from 2 separate people. One who uses 4.6gr of Tite Group on the 180gr .40's and another with 4.1gr. I'm using the 4.1 and it's got some kick but not as much as factory ammo, which is exactly what i want. More control afterwards, less time to refocus, more time to shoot again. Heck i just saw some 3.6 and 3.8gr tite group loads.. goodness! i don't wan to go too underpowered or else it might not have enough energy to cycle the weapon. This .40 cal recipie is for 4 different pistols.

shot the AR as well, only 6 rounds, but the shells landed about in the same area.. Sweetness..

afterwards i went to meet up with these loan peoples for pre-approval of a home loan. hah like i can afford anything anymore. if i was only 2 years earlier i woulda caught on to.. 1) the dot-com fling and a 2) lower priced housing market. My timing always seemed off anyways.. oh well. Hmmz that reminds me about my 'list of things that i regret in my life..' i should put it here!! woohoo!
Time to order some replacement parts, the manual says it's factory tuned.. yea right.. it's all about homegrowing everything for it to work.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10 (i am the shiva of the floor! i control the flow! i am the gate boy!)
NapTime During Lunch: none, was talking on the phone.

ugh! off to breaking things again, i broke both decapping pins for the .223!!! Unbelieveable!! That and the whole resizing part looks kinda bent. =( this is getting weak! i did manage to make 45rounds for tommorrow.. it's open range time to see if 1)these things work and 2) work well.. Time to find out! and time to get some replacement decapping pins! ugh! Theres two types of flash holes (the hole where the primer ignites the powder) the boxer primed (one center hole) and the berdan prime (2 smaller holes but to the sides of the center). Somehow i musta got some berdan primed brass and the first one bent the whole sizing unit, i replaced the pin but eventually that got bent too.. UGH!!

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 0! out of 10 (i caught up on my Car and Driver, Automobile AND Road and track magazines! i coulda been asleep and nothing woulda happened.. p.s. this day sets the standard of the scale!)
NapTime During Lunch: 30min

I think illinois is the place to be now. I've been searching for some .223 and .40 caliber recipies and while i was at it, for match type stuff. Well there was one guy spoken of quite a bit by the name of John Holliger who owns White oak Precision somewhere in the middle of Illinois. He makes custom match parts for AR-15's. I've been looking for 2 parts to complete my match rifle: the match upper, and a 2-stage match trigger. The company that i wanted to go for was called Rock River Arms. There are two match triggers whom precision AR-15 shooters use: One called the Jewel Trigger (Approx $200, adjustable, non traditional pieces, but it's all that n then some!) and the second the Rock River 2-Stage Trigger (looks like stock, drop-in ease.) The Rock River Trigger costs 130$ from their own website. This guy John Holliger tweaks it even more and sells them for 115$ shipped. Thats the cheapest 2-stage match trigger i've ever seen! The coolest part (Roxanne says it's how the people are over there), was that while i was emailing Mr. Holliger about the trigger, the only thing he said other than the price was 'just send me your address and i'll send one to you.' To me it seemed kinda odd, so i decided to wait till i can call the company. When i did Mr. Holliger answered and he said the same thing. ok, so i gave him my address, then he tells me to mail him a check. Well i get the trigger and sent the check, obviously thanking him. It felt like i was borrowing a buddy's car or something.
i installed that puppy and woo it's quite beautiful! So crisp 4.5lb action! Thanks Mr. Holliger! (ToAsTy Approved!)
i'm wondering if i should get the match upper from him. The Rock river match upper is about 550$ while Mr. Holliger's is 875$. one day.. (ugh more money!!)
So i've finally got the loader tuned for 25gr of Varget set at 2.245" for my Sierra 69gr HPBT's.. we do this! unfortunately it's off to Roxanne's Friends berfday party!

Friday, November 14, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 34min

Hanging out with da crew today. Went to chili's hung out at bri's place. Played with his Dell 8500 laptop.. i think i'm gonna go for the 8600 when i get a good deal on it. It's big but i thought it was going to be heavy, but it's not bad. Not lead weight bad. Speakie of bri, he just busted out his new blog!

Oh ya i forgot! i had a dream where it was My brother and I, Vicks and Bert. We were in Reno, NV i think at the El Dorado Hotel. And all i could remember is i had this urge to go home. So i go home without telling Bert or Vicks until i got home. I told them that i had to do something and was gonna go to sleep. The clock showed sometime around midnight. Well right when i go to sleep in the dream i was thinking about getting up at 6am, right then i wake up 5:35am for work. how strange is that.. Dreaming of going to sleep?

Work was cheezy easy, it's the 'boss' position is one where nobody wants. it's to be a 6-month rotation. i was assigned to it for a day since the tea leaves fell that way. I find it boring but easy, some people find it a very easy post to be at. The odd part is nobody wants it, heh i should put it for it.. then all my days will be 2 out of 10's.. Heh, at 2pm i was done with all my tasks, so i hang out with the other people and they were wondering why it seemed so easy for me yet so hard for others. It gave me that feeling where you think you forgot something. Thats the only thing stopping me from signing up, is how come nobody else is? and since it's my 2nd time ever doing it, i didn't really know how the dealie worked out.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 6 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 32min

Weee! Roxanne came up to hang out, we ate at Hahn's Hibachi in West portal. Hahn's is a lazy mans version of korean bbq. Cheaper but it doesn't come with the 'accessories' the amount of meat is ample and the flavor is good. You don't get that smokey marinade smell in your clothes though. Roxanne got the Bul-Go-Gi (BBQ Beef) plate for 8.50 and i got the ultimate rib plate for 12.50. There are several Hahn's around the city, and i guess this one is one of the more full-serviced ones. 'cuz it has the Ruler of the World Dinner plate for 18.95$. The ruler of the world is filled with kebobs, shrimp, bbq beef, spareribs, all that. I digress, my ultimate rib plate came and it was monstrous! The only semi-bad thing about the place is the forks weigh a ton. So after eating ribs with my bare hands and toting this heavy fork i felt the need to raid a village or go after some barbarian hordes!

Hahn's Hibachi is :ToAsTy Approved
Good: Cheap (Compared to korean bbq houses), good amounts of food, no smokey marinade clothing smell.
Not so good: Doesn't come with Traditional Korean BBQ 'Accessories' , You don't get to cook it yourself, and 1.75$ for drinks? ugh!

So we traipsing around the west portal area we go back home and laugh at the latest fashion magazines. I guess the latest style is the 80's retro with some lace in it. Roxanne calls it trampy hooker style.. Yea! Woohoo thats what we need more in this world.. Fresno-80's trampy hookers styling around. I thought i ran away from fresno for that fact. All i remember was one day i was driving towards downtown fresno and i thought i saw Michael Jackson with the zipper jackets and zipper pants walking down the street.. i knew right then it was over..

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 7.5 out of 10 (it wasn't busy busy, just hard..)
NapTime During Lunch: 36min

I've tuned my Seating die for the Sierra 69gr's for 2.245" OAL and i'm done with my first 100 180gr .40's i've only lost 3 bullets due to playing around with the settings and 5 Primers. let's see how they work out.. *scared*
Now i'm in a predicament.. At the gun shop (theres only a few around) i asked the owner to order the 8lb. that i've been complaining about. The owner says that it'll take a week or two for it to come. Being the young impatient one with a new toy to use, (I haven't locked myself in the loading room for hours as i have planned) i shoulda bought both pistol and rifle powders online with all the other stuff. Even with the $20 Hazmat charge, it would still be cheaper to order it online. But i've already told the guy to go get me the powder.. Should i bail on this guy or hope it will come. If not i dunno if i'll be able to make 300rnds of .223 that i wanted for the match. Heck i still need to shoot these things to see if it works! It should, i trust them. Oi! Powder!!

Monday, November 10, 2003

Weeee.. Finally..

i did nothing today.. it took a while but i haven't done noting in a while. Trimmed some .223's and loaded up some .40's. Called up traders sports to see if i can get some of that gunpowder. Thats a negative. It seems like nobody reloads ammo over here or something. But i did some tweaking with the powder charge phase / belling neck station and it did the job. I guess the caseneck was belled too much.. cool i can punch out some ammo now! weee! Tweaked the blog a bit.. I'm trying for some more but i dunno. I think i need a chair, but i don't think theres gonna be any room for that.. eek!

Sunday, November 09, 2003


I seem to have a hobbie for collecting eclectic things and skills. I think it's this San Francisco air thats turning me this way. My latest musical mood is the Soul Bassanova Era. A co-worker has a great bassanova collection, so who else to ask but him. So from what i heard, What does Frank Sanatra listen to when he wants some music? His main favorites are from Joao Gilberto, the father of Bassanova and of daughter Bebel Gilberto another excellent Bassanova singer. Bassanova is that 1950's brazilian jazz. I guess it can be deemed as music you hear at a department store elevators (if it's not classical music).
Unfortunately I think thats it for me and the gunshow here in Frisco.. everytime i go it seems like it's a dying tradition.. This time there seemed to be more filled with 'stuff' there were more vendors but there were ALOT more crap.. Porcelain dolls or plates anyone? How about t-shirts? 3-beef jerkey tables! Clothes? Posters? Signs? Silverware? Knives? Knives seem to be the rage now, there were quite a few tables of knife vendors. Cell phone goodies, old whacky military supplies also had their table. I think it should be changed from the gun show to the swap meet with guns.. here i am all amped up to get some gunpowder n bullets.. and only 3 tables sold small quantites of 1lb. jars of powder. One 1 table had the powder i wanted. and i'd say 3 or 4 tables actually sold the bullet part of the cartridge. How sad it's become. I was looking for a HK USP in .45 but nobody had that either.

Afterwards the crew gathered in our suits at Bullshead (always ToAsTy Approved!) for some nummie burgers.. Yes we need to go there more. Vicks wants to tempt fate with the 16$ FullPound "FamilyBurger" with sides!

Dana's Serivce was nice, the church was packed to the walls and it got emotional at times. It is sad for such a young lady to have passed, but dwelling on the bad isn't gonna make things go away. Instead seeing what shes done and brought to us will hopefully inspire us to Live. Like the great George Carlin said.. "We have more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years."
Who knows how long we've got, if everybody had a timer. Life would be a whole lot different. If everybody knew when their times are up they can go all out on a rampage, through the darkside. But then there are those who want to extend the knowledge of the mankind, to help others. I think that everybody in the world should be given a gift they could see so that there wouldn't be people on rampages. The earth is a giant pie and your piece of it is Very, Very small. Usually it's the people whos lost or gave up on life where the dark side manifests. Everybody has a gift and should use it to it's full potential. Maybe thats why i like the old world stuff, trying to keep it alive? All i have to say is.. Just Live..

Bye Dana.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (till the end of the shift.. ugh!)
NapTime During Lunch: ~15min

ugh.. winamp 3.0 sucks! it's too hightech.. or something.. i went back to winamp 2.8 heh i still have a copy of winamp2.5.. but i liked the fact that i could adjust the oscillascope and what not, and the skins would change after every song.. 3.0 is just stuck at the one skin and won't go random.. Yea 3.0 has better skins that don't hafta be in that certain box shape but the functionality of it sucks! Look vs. Function.. Go vs. Show.. yall know what kinda person i am.. =) Today i finally got wet while on the bicycle.. Going to work was dry.. riding to the bart station was dry.. but from the station to home was wet.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (i keep getting sent to the hospital, it ain't my injuries of course.)
NapTime During Lunch: none

Whelp i didn't wake up to see any of the matrix squiddies flying after me so thats a good sign. After thinking of it, in the matrix life is about purpose, and if you don't know what it is, it's kinda destined. The movie was all about predetermination v. free-will, and the illusions that come from being in the matrix did the same with the 'free' ones. It seems like the decision was given but it wasn't. Illusions.. fakeness, lies. But usually these lead to hate n anger, but in this movie it was guided towards the good of all.. Interesting what lies can do to the path of humankind.

my coworker just told me about the gunshow this weekend! woohoo!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 4.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 35min (approx)

i am trying to master the 4th dimension.. everybody can kinda do it, it's scary. i can wake up right before the time i needed to, it's all mind power. Today i left my cell phone at my post and went to lunch. After realizing that i needed it for waking up i tried to just wake up on my own. After telling myself to wake up at 12:00, i woke up strangely at 11:58.. Also lately it seems that i wake up without the alarm now. I'd wake up and it'd seem the wrong time to do so, but then i realize that it's 2-3 minutes before my alarm.

So i had a hot date with da lady, we went and saw the Matrix : Revolutions. I find it completing the trilogy. I've heard some people complaining of it, or saying that it opens it up for another sequel (a sequel-sequel? sequel-squared?). But for me it explains most. Especially the most important of the questions. I dunno, if your not full 100% into the whole matrix thing i can understand how it was not liked. At least this movie used way less 'bullet-time' than the second, it felt like overkill, whenever time slowed down left n right. The only thing that sucks is the love scenes are cheesy. 'oh neo.. etc etc..'
So if you've seen it and still have them lingering questions theres all them matrix essays and theory webpages on my blog to go look at. It'll show you how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
After the movie, roxanne and i went off to Amici's pizza-shack at San Mateo. It was nice thin-crust New York style pizza, very tasty. but slightly big $.. but then thats what you get for wood-fired, or brick-fired, whatever something-fired pizza. Heck it was soo New York style that it felt like the one day Roxanne and i were in New York, where the snow was on the ground and the christmas lights (there goes them christmas lights again) are on. The air was chilly but inside the restraunt it was ToAsTy... Just like in this wood-fired New York Pizza-Shack in.. New York..

reloading: i just got my 500rnds of 69gr. Sierra Matchking HPBT's.. sweet.. i need my powder!!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (I got to drive a pattywagon!)
NapTime During Lunch: none

i guess i'm gonna downrate the Gordon Biersch Frozen Garlic Fries to ToAsTy Unapproved... I cooked another 1/4 of a bag and the fries come out oily and the garlic packet was chemical smelling AND tasting.. anybody want the rest of the 1/2 bag? heh..

Reloading - Well i've made my 1st box of .40cal but i think i need a crimp die or that i should lower the amount of belling during the charge load phase. From the loading manual the neck should be at .434" but i can only get my necks to .435" odd.. i haven't really played with it again but i should.. i need to get my rifle powder though. when is it coming!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 6 out of 10 (Manditory Work sucks!)
NapTime During Lunch: 20min

It's kinda odd that i was the only one at work who was supposed to be at it. The rest were probably sent to do the dirty work of ballot collection.. i wish i was out n about in the streets.. ahh the good old days.
PBS Rules!
But i think i am falling in love with PBS's NOVA.. yea it sounds ultra-geek, but i remember the days when i was pondering metaphysics, and quantum mechanics. With my current mentally stimulating job i really need something else to engage my brain. Thats probably why i was really into the matrix theories.. speaking of which, the 3rd n final part is gonna be shown in 9 hours or so, i wonder which show i can go to.
This weeks nova was about string theory, the idea of 11 dimensions, and that elements of strings or vibrating forces can be the precursor to quarks and the other ingredients of the sub-atomic scale is what i'm talking about! i've always felt that there was a harmonics to everything, it was just simple to grasp that idea but for it to become an actual theory is mad. It can be used to explain how electrons,protons, and neutrons are made. Then it can be expanded to show how universes are held. It's like the nanotechnology and fusion technology that i'm waiting to see what will come from these two fields. Science is where its at!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Another Fricking CrapShoot!

The weather was cool, not as good as that one month, but there was no low or mid-level clouds. The view towards sausalito wasn't as clear but you could see the golden gate. Drive to the range:40min with goofing around. The monster 4$ breakfast as always was good, but i think it killed my stomach afterwards. Around noon my stomach was just killing me! I guess thats what i get for ordering a 'suicide' omelet, killing me till about 4pm!.
419-5x (it takes a score of 420+ two times in a row to get out of the marksman class. The only advantage of scoring near the top of the class is that it'll mean i'll probably be the class winner.) Finally the two guys who started me into this high-power shooting mess came back and shot along! I haven't seen both together since the first time we did this. Anyways everything was shooting well until the mag change of the 2nd stage: Standing to sitting 10-shots, 60seconds. This time i decided to bring 3 of the 30-round mags i got from iraq.. (heh heh) and lo and behold one of them jams on me.. The mag is bulged again and was hard to insert! This is getting ridiculous. At least the black hills ammo worked perfectly. Actually the whole match requires 58-rounds. So for this match i used 10 rounds from the crap ss109's but they worked oh, 9 of the 12 shots.. the other 2 the rifle cycled but didn't lock the bolt back (not enough power) and the last round the neck was oversized or something and it didn't feed. It created this wierd jam which required banging the rifle against the ground while holding the bolt latch down.. Fricking insane! So i guess for the 1'st stage sights are at zero, while the next 3 stages it's 4-clicks up.
i'm gonna need some more stuff, i'm gonna look at Creedmore sports. Someones telling me that i should be making a christmas list! (neakneak) i still need to get the rifle match legal! (doh!) 600$ will fix that.. Next month hopefully i'll be busting out some 69gr-25gr varget loads..

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2 out of 10 (this is how work should be everyday!)
NapTime During Lunch: 20min

Sadness ...

Sadness has been bestowed upon the crew as i found out when changing out off work that Brian's Sister, Dana passed away from a year long battle with leukemia. She was 20, the same age as my brother. Its kinda strange and sad when someone younger than you passes. *Comforts To Brian n Family*

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