
Friday, December 30, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 2.5 out of 10 (6.5hrs OT on my LAST DAY..)
NapTime During Lunch: nada min. (was hunting for a new locker).

Happy Eve of New Years Eve!!
Ahhh yea my last day at the county.. Technically starting tommorrow (in reality, tuesday), i've transfered to a new section of work.

See the Light!

-Weekends off (woohoo!)
-No More Drafting (unless some silly emergency arrives)

-Work a little later (1 hr. or so)
-No more mid-week board meetings (unless planned in advance)

It should be a fun experience, it better be. I'm stuck in there for 5 years. Lordy 11 years of service? daaang!

Anyhow, had a hospital run and this guy looked 70 but was 56. Next year will be his 40th year anniversary of heroin use. It shows 'cuz at the hospital the only way to get an I.V. is through his neck. His arms and legs had all these pockmarks, from absess popping. Thems be some serious pimples!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Just got back from roaming around Reno / Lake Tahoe. Monday night after work, the in-laws and gang jumped into the loaded cherokee and went to reno. Ride was ok, and make it there around 10pm, everything seemed ok till the check in line at Circus Circus. They had 2 service folk for a line that snaked around the new lobby area. After a while they got up to 5 people. Took an hour to check in. I haven't stayed in cirus circus in a while, and with all their upgrades from a while back seem to do a pretty good job. The rooms are nicely done except that the walls are slightly thin. We could hear the people talking as they were walking down the hallway and the neighbors.

Tuesday, I decided to head off to Mt. Rose for some boarding action. The drive was short, about 25min. Got there around 9:30, high winds and some snowing called for the Extreme Weather gear. Changed and everything and went to the ticket booth, they tell me that 2 out of the 6 lifts are open. And the 2 lifts only went to noobland. They told me that the weather was going to be bad all day. So, half day pass at 44$ for 2 lifts into noobieland? nah, i'll pass.

Got back around 10:30am, went shopping and gambled for a bit (unsuccessfully) at the peppermill. Ate and floated back.. the only thing that was good is: 1) Raspberry Lemonade Martini and 2) RazzDropTini... yea baby! And of course at the Roxy Bar. I think i've tried 7 out of the 102 Martinis.. Danged high potent things.

Today, got the weather and a storms a coming. The view from the hotel room showed doom and gloom arriving. We bailed and drove by South Lake Tahoe and then ate at Placerville. It was raining like a savage till placerville and eventually got to the vacaville outlet mall.. oi, outlet action once again.
Survived and got back.
Wee! Now to work tommorrow. ugh!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

Happy Birthday Jesus, thats a whole lotta candles on your cake!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Uh yea, thats me hanging in Bakersfield..

Yesterday fluffielady and i venture off to the land of moo cows, oil, and smog. Upon beginning our adventure, we had problems with fluffielady's car starting up. When i get back, me n evan are gonna beat the crap out of it till it works. Anyhow, we eventually get to highway 5 from gilroy. The rain subsided but we wanted to go exit for a pitstop. Well we had to hit 3 exits 'cuz every bathroom was either 1) non-existant, but porto-potties were there, in the dark, in the high winds. 2) the rest stop had no t.p. and no stalls working. So we finally made it to exit #3, with a decent pottyroom. oi!
Got to Bakersfield with no other troubles and got knocked out.
Today, we venture to the 5 Dogs rifle range and have a day of gat blastin. It was pretty cool. My 686 .357 shooting the .38 +p+'s shot pretty good at the 130 yard drum. I had to aim at the 12 o'clock with the top of the round plate showing. On my Para-Ord P16 .40, i had to aim slightly above the plate to hit it. Still hitting the steal plate at 130 yards with my pistol, pretty cool.
Shot a bit of the 30-06, on the springfield and on the m1 garand. Surprisingly this cheap scope on the springfield does the job pretty well at 100 yards. Still though i think i'm gonna get new bases and put on the 10x mil-dot that i got last year from the in-laws. Mmm Mil-dot madness. yum!
Got back to the bakersfield haus and then we went crusin around town looking at the xmas setups.

Howdooyoodoodat? A whole street lined with tall tall pine trees with lights all over them. Someone hijacked a PG&E truck!

Pretty cool. The pic with me hanging on the pole, they had train rides and the windows had mini train sets going. ChooChoo!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Merp, didn't go boarding. My brother and i figured it's not worth it to go to a spot that only has 3 lifts open, or that their only 70% open.. beh! So just hung out at home. Now i checked out the news and they said that it might dump 4 ft.. goodness!

Today i: forgot to add that watching Narnia with fluffielady. The kids meet up with a character that looks like Santa. The cool part is that he gives them weapons!! Bow n arrow for the lady, dagger and potion for the kiddo, and sword and shield for the man. Sweet!! Santas got weps.

Tommorrow gotta go to work, then it's off to the land of oil and neverending darkness. Tis the season of no sun till march.. weee!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Who will win? Roomba v. Train set and Nativity Scene...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1.5 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 38min

Thats pimp..

It seems that Kevin Federlines Ferrari Modena 360, has been 'modded' right before Britney took it back.. It's cool that it's got that personal touch, it's not cool that he molested a ferrari.

Today i: partied out with fluffielady's co-workers xmas (winter holiday? for the PC people?) party.
Speaking of which, i think it's wrong that people get 'offended' by the words merry christmas. America is built on two things, individuals coming from everywhere and capitalism from these individuals coming from everywhere. Now that wholy church and state thing i can understand, but not from private enterprises. Is sayin the Sausage Factory offensive to vegitarians? (like the Herbivore on Valencia and 21st?)
i think people are too touchy, everybodys into the extreme now. It's either go all out or not go at all, what ever happened to the middle, the balance? Everybodys too sensitive in other peoples problems, what about their own issues? This fast paced world has already imploded on it's own. Fluffielady is seeing the results of people with these twisted values. A bunch of her kids are totally whacked, they can ride the line without consequence. Sometimes kids need a smack to get them back. i'm glad that at work it's one of the few places where me and my coworkers can talk back and take action. Instead of having someone griping at you for something your not even responsible for and that it's all your fault, all your fault. The world is changing, it's all about deflecting fault away. I like how Auto insurance companies do it, during an investigation of an accident they sift through all available information and assign fault. At least it gives a percentage, so-and-so is 51% at fault, and so-and-so is 49% at fault. Can't people accept some of it? nope, not my deal.
I like how in schools it's come down to test scores. There was an article about wealthier teachers working at better schools. If these test scores don't improve or miss the minimum standards, the whole staff gets zapped. Sounds good? Is it really the teachers fault? i think the kids and parents have 90% of the fault, and 10% goes to the teachers, but in reality it's all on the kids and parents. The 10% is from the inability for the teachers to control and to teach material when some kid goes and distracts the whole class. The teacher has to focus their energy on the lamers rather than the good kids, thats not fair. These kids get no attention at home because theres 5 kids in the underprivilaged household and the parents are working 3 jobs or doing illegal activities to get money. These kids go into testing and they bring down the schools score. After 3-years of bad scores, the staff gets zapped. All from bad teachers? common now.
At my work, i've got folks with no college experience making $100k+, fluffielady and her coworkers go through at least 6 years of college to get a $38k/year job? AND it's their fault that scores are bad? jeez!

in other wonderful news, it is estimated by 2010, india will need to outsource their workforce because they'll run out of skilled people who are outsourced from here. It's wonderful how vicious life is.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Today i: learned that Plasma TV's are filled with Xenon and Neon. And *if* you happen to crack one open, theres not enough of the stuff to get you sick.

I had a dream today that i was a repair man for the autobots. Man i gotta stop playing battlefield 2.. anybody need repairs??

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Today i: learned that if you leave folic acid around the house, i'll be thinking things are up. Around October Fluffielady felt a disturbance in the possee, i remember her mentioning something about someones spawning at this moment.. whoa, scary!

Yesterday we floated and hung out with Bri, turning 28. Ahh yea good ol' 28. Tis good to see Chloe some more, shes grown a bit since i saw them on the 1st of Dec. At least shes more awake and makes little noises here n there. Cute!

Link of the day: don't get me wrong i like stuffed animals and all that soft fuzzieness but this lil getup for my Roomba? Speaking of which, i'm on my third and i finally turned it on, let the robots roam again!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Today i: ain't feeling like going to work 'cuz i had a full 8hr OT.. and so does fluffielady, but shes getting that once-a-year-after-it-rains-the-classroom-kills-her sickness. This is the third time in three years, after the first rain it's like the spores in the vents pop open and venture into fluffielady's sinus'.. =( ick!

So, yesterday it was 8hrs OT, beh. Once a week, on thursdays it seems.. Maybe i should call in sick on thursdays to get drafted another day? nah.. That'll kill my sick hours.

In the mail i got the match results from The high power and i friggin lost 1st place by 1x! I guess it happens, i've beaten a many people by one bullseye (x), especially at high school. I seem to always beat my buddy Dawn Cameron by 1 point or 1-X..
Damn u John Ryan!!

Oh, on wednesday it was pretty good at Northstar, only the main lifts were open (3 of them) going all the way to the top. The backside was closed and some trails were closed but that didn't stop me n Jenny. You could still see some tall grass and bits of branches on some trails but mostly it was packed with a bit of fluff. The weather was chilly but good, it started to lightly snow at about 2:30, then started snowing hard at 2:50 or so. So we bailed.
The village is still in construction:

This is the entrance, the right side was were the old condos and deli (which is now closed, no more $3 yogurt! =()

This is to be the skating rink, shops, happiness, love, and all that good stuff. But you can't see it just yet..

Welcome to Castle Northstar!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Watched Team America: World Police. This movie is crazy! it's all about cheesy stereotypes about other nations from an American perspective. The story is kinda cool and it's all done with puppets! So i finally get to figure what Capt'n D is talking about.. 'dirka dirka!'.. This movie is done with the usual South Park whackyness. Alot better than the one i just watched Tears of the Sun.
Oh lord this movie sucked. I thought it was going to be at least a typical war movie with butt kicking and what not. There are TONS of serious errors and continuity problems. I was half wrong, it's a treehugger movie where Bruce Willis and his Navy Seals' original mission was to save Monica Belucci for no reason other than shes an American Doctor in a typical politically unstable African nation. The first 20min woulda been mission accomplished with one error, Monica Belucci wanted to bring her patients with her to safety. Somehow Bruce Willis agrees and the village makes this huge trek. 1st continuity error was that he told them that they had 30min to pack and move it looked like 10pm, all of a sudden it looks like it's noon time and they're still getting ready. So they trek and Ms. Belucci starts complaining that the village is tired from all this walking, well madam, shes the one asking all these people to go with her, she does this about 3-4times (i lost count).
They get to the pickup zone, Bruce Willis tricks the village by ditching them when only 2 helos came to rescue. Well they go and he feels bad and returns, hows that for following directions. He goes back and puts village folk in and decided to make another trek to another location (more Monica Belucci moaning). It seemed that the Navy Seal Captain is whipped by the Unknown American Doctor following all her commands. So they move and move and for some unknown reason theres a gang of 'rebels' following, which doesn't make sense. Ooo plot twist, some retard is carrying a transmitter that the rebels can figure out where they are. How did they get all this technology? Better yet, the Navy seals seem to have a Panasonic Toughbook with their own Satillite which can take live details of the rebel troop movement. So the last stand the rebels have like 4 zillion people with snipers, and they're fighting 7 Navy Seals. In the first battle scene the Seals just run forward spraying like mad at who-knows-what. The Seals kill like a handfull, and one of the 7 gets injured. Then another salvo, so another rush from the Seals spraying in the air one handed. ok, then here and there a Navy seal eats it. I thought Navy Seals never leave their dead, i guess they do in this one. There are some serious bleeding heart scenes, like one village girl gets hit, so a navy seal drops his gun in the middle of the firefight and draws his pistol to help out the girl, both die. I was actually surprised on how much pistoling they were doing. i guess whoever had alot more leftover pistol ammo than rifle. They scat for a bit and theres a calm, Bruce Willis gets a call (?) from his commander saying that this is all an international snafu and he's by himself. He also finds out that one of the guys is the son of the Nations President, ok, They all happen to be in some Church waay away from the capitol which was just announced that the presidents family was assassinated in the beginning of the movie, yet he saw it all happen.
In the end every Seal gets hit 2-5 times each, some die, one just stares at his friend dying and decides to ditch him. They are almost at the boarder and this major rush of the 4 zillion rebels come. All of a sudden 2 F-18's call up Bruce Willis who tells them that he's near the smoke grenade. How do 2 F-18's flying at 600-900mph be able to see smoke, and aim their Missles with bomblets (not bombs) so that they miss the Seals but zap all 4 zillion rebels? i dunno. They limp their way to the border where the Ship captain pops out of the Helo and is glad that 4 of the 7 is breathing.
This movie sucked like no other, it made you want to slap Monica Belucci, she has this love-all humans crap. It showed alot of violence such as the rebels raping and torturing, it's wasted extra minutes, but i guess thats what they want you to see. Makes you wanna ditch tree huggers who wanna bring everybody with them. Today i: was going into convulsions, rebel snipers, wireless(?) claymores, the running seal with the m4 rifle shooting full auto with his teammate also running fullbore spraying his m14, f-18's with the wrong missles (it showed them loaded with AIM-120 air-to-air missiles, unlike at least the AGM-85 Maverick, TV guided air-to-ground missile), at least make it somewhat right. Who did they go to for this consulting? World Police:Team America???

At least in the movie The Punisher, the only error was, the main character has Safariland thigh holsters on both legs but it shows them with Berettas but then draws Custom 1911's.

This is a sweet post.. i seriously hate movies. get me outta here, speaking of which, tommorrow it's Northstar time!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Snoopy! Whatcha doing hiding in there!!

Today i: have been having lots of detailed dreams, yet don't remember much about them. Todays was about getting something specific, but i could only find something similar, but it woulda been nice to get the specific thing. How odd.

Before i go yakking about bullets (like always). This link was sent by Jenny. My pimp nick is: Stealth Maestro T. Dogg.. Get yours!

Yesterday i was talking about Shooting and what not and i forgot to put up some numbers regarding the chrono action from weeks on back. The chrono wasn't all that steady, first few shots from a pistol would show say, 400-500fps.. and that was bizarre. I'm thinking its a certain distance to get better readings, so maybe i should read the directions who knows! By getting bullet speeds we can come up with two computations that have great ballistic value. One is called Power Factor, which is the determining factor at IPSC (race pistol)matches. There is Minor and Major power factor, and this is made so that people who shoot 9mm (the ipsc minimum caliber), with less recoil aren't outdoing the major people, who shoot .40s&w, .45, .38super.
Power Factor is determined:
Power Factor = Velocity X Bullet Wt. / 1,000

Another Ballistic value that alot of people try to figure is Muzzle Energy. This is the knock-down power people talk about. It's Formula is:
Muzzle Energy = Bullet Wt. X Velocity Squared / 450400 = Ft. Pounds
This is gonna be a funky looking chart..



Velocity  |

Bullet Weight  |

Power Factor  |

Muzzle Energy

S&W686 6"

.38 +P+ Federal 147gr. Hydra-Shok JHP





Glock 19

9mm Federal Classic 147Gr JHP





S&W686 6"

.357 Custom Load 6Gr. Unique, on Copper Plated FN





Glock 22

.40 Federal Classic 180gr JHP





Sig P220

.45 Federal SXT +P 230gr JHP





S&W586 2"

.38 +P+ Federal 147gr. Hydra-Shok JHP





Para Ord P16

.40 Custom 180Gr Montana Gold, 4.8gr Titegroup 1.185 OAL





Para Ord P16

.40 UMC 180Gr. FN





Para Ord P16

.40 American Eagle 180Gr. FN





Para Ord P16

.40 Fiocchi 180gr. FN





AR-15 .223

Charter Industries 55Gr FMJ





AR-15 .223

24.0 Varget 68Gr Hndy Match HPBT





AR-15 .223

75Gr Hndy V-max Box Ammo





AR-15 .223

55 Gr Hndy A-max Moly 2.245OAL





Sunday, December 04, 2005

Evan can't seem to find the giblets.. (From Thanksgiving)

Ugh, thats all i had to say about today.
181-3x, 91-1x, 94-1x, 99-3x = 465-8x
Friggin 5 points away from master. My rapid sitting was weak, i wasn't feeling a stable position which was odd. That and my glasses now have stretched and they dip right at the line, so i'm looking through the sight inbetween glass and no glass (thats a paris flashback.. Gas or No Gas? for water). i know i yanked one shot to the right. Weather was pretty brisk, Delilah says it's 54 degrees when i get there and 68 when i left. The sky was clear, i can see the golden gate bridge and sausalito clearly. Traffic was easy going to richmond, but coming back it was backed up to the beginning of the maze of the toll booth. After flying along with the fast track, it was empty, how bizarre. I like the new range with the lanes and noise reduction stuff sprayed onto the walls. From the outside it sounds like 'poof, pooofs' instead of 'BANG!'.
Now i must concentrate on simplifying goals. At the 200 Standing, the whole black scoring ring is 9,10 and X. if i can get all shots into the black thats at least 180 out of 200. which gives me 10 points to play for the master class. Normally i dip 2-4 points on the other stages. But boo, frickin sitting. i guess new years resolutions are never meant to be achieved eh? so next year i'm gonna change my new years resolution, heh..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Lordy, been busy.. thursday it was 8.5hrs OT. Yesterday went out and hung out with one of my shooting buddy's welcome back party. There was a pretty good size, fluffielady got to hang out with all the manly mens. Things were pretty cool except dindins was supposed to have started at 7:45pm. Well we weren't finished with dinner till 10:30pm! argh! i wonder if my other shooting peeps made it to the high power today. Hope they have fun at it tommorrow at the 3-gun. While i'm floating to the high-power today.

Today i: am wearing

Level Of Difficulty at Work: 1 out of 10
NapTime During Lunch: 33min

Fluffielady and i are going to head out to a dance show at Foothill college. We went last year, it's a pretty cool dance recital. Theres some crazy acrobatics .

The Antec P180 case comes with vibration reducing mounts and foam tape / rubber vibration dampening tape. i'm wondering if i could get some more of this stuff. The case fans aren't dampened, and at 120mm lordy they're huge! Computer stores sell individual fan dampening pads at 5$ each.. hmmz i wonder. This is gonna be my ultra quiet computer setup! Even the case feet are some more of that rubber vibration dampening stuff.. Sweet!

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